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Common foodstuffs grown including wheat, oats, barley and so on. While grains can be eaten in this form, they are usually refined to make other products such as breads, cereals and liquor.


Fruits and vegetables ranging from the humble citrus fruit and salad vegetables to those exotic items found only in the most out of the way locations.

Animal Meat

Ranging from beef, chicken and pork to more exotic fare, such food still provides the primary source of protein to omnivorous species. ALT: Though no food movement has ever managed to persuade diners away from their omnivorous roots, as range animals are too resource intensive, nearly all meat is vat grown.

Animal Products

Typically dairy, eggs, caviar and other products of various animal internal organs, they remain a food source of high nutritional value, and some diners derive a twisted pleasure from eating foods originating from such a source.


This product range includes water dwelling creatures and their by-products. Typically it includes fish, crustaceans, and other such creatures from which all species can obtain nutritional value.

Ration Mealpacks

Owing to the generally high danger of radiation deterioration, most foods consumed in space by humans are mealpacks. These compact mealpacks contain energy bars and an energy liquid drink. Highly nutritious, and absolutely tasteless to the eye and palate.

Standard Mealpacks

Standard Mealpacks are designed for regular people who want a halfway decent meal without a lot of trouble. Self heating, these mealpacks are hermetically sealed packs of cheap and satisfying foodstuffs. A great alternative to the staple foods on many developed worlds: vat grown meats, algae sludge and tofu bars.

Luxury Mealpacks

Oriented towards the human digestive system, such packs typically contain actual game meat, exotic fruits, vegetables and other rarest of rare foods. Despite repeated denials, rumours persist that meat from other sentient beings are included for the palates of those most decadent of the rich and famous.


Containing utilitarian dehydrated meal bars with jerky for dessert, the Aera ration is human edible, but prolonged human consumption will result in eventual sickness and death due to high alkaloid content.


A native of the Bzbr world, the Jhurlon most closely resembles a boulder sized land dwelling abalone. While well protected against native predators, modern technology has made cutting through their shell somewhat easier.

Salted Thok

Though the Aera destroyed their jungle forests, the seas fared better, and continue to produce this tasty fish-like creature.


Containing the bare minimum in ammonia based concentrates and a carb syrup, these packs provide a Rlaan with absolute minimum sustenance. Strangely enough, these packs aid Rlaan fitness, as they will make every effort to avoid eating one.


Containing a protein brick, carb glop and gels in ammonia solutions stored at such temperatures that ammonia is a liquid. An unprepared human would have a fatal experience opening, let alone eating, this pack.


These Rlaan foodpacks are factory processed and hermetically sealed biofoods somewhat more tasteworthy to the Rlaan palate. Typically used as an addition to Nutripacks.

Space Grog

This is the stuff guarranteed to knock a drinker out cold after a couple of glasses have burned down their throat. Known in previous ages as moonshine, hooch, rough gut and so on, this is the liquor with no quality control for ingredients, made in those out of the way places where alcohol is drunk for its kick, not its taste.


Incorporating alcohols such as beer, ale and mead, such drink is usually made from fermented grains, barley and hops, but not necessarily limited to this. Served cold in warm climes, and warm in cold climes.


Consisting in the main of hard alcohols distilled from whatever was handy at the time and usually aged in wood barrels to disguise the aftertaste. One of the prime sources of battle causes and maudlin singing.


The fermented juices of fruit, typically grapes, crushed under the feet of whoever was passing by, hence the various distinctive tastes. After aging and bottling, wine is sold to the mass market in the mistaken belief that it provides refined social graces.

Tripezian Premium

Taste the flavour of the Frontier! Tripezian Ale is the product of fermented tripezian berries, an alien fruit lethal when eaten, but whose fermented juices have an intense and exotic flavour. Tripezian berries are produced on only a few worlds, andin limited quantities. This makes Tripezian Ale one of the most expensive and sought after beverages in all of known space.

Sarakan Tears

Distilled from the sap of the Sarak bush, this spirit defines the old adage 'Whatever doesn't kill you, will numb the mouth, burn the throat, upset the stomach, tear you a new one, and leave you with a nice rosey outlook towards the universe!

Arkturian Wines

Finely crafted wines from carefully cultivated vinyards. Unlike the cheap wines from farm planets devoted to wine production, every bottle contains liquid craftsmanship and the potential for culinary exploration.

Yylt Nectar

Will add desc later - PeteyG

Yorack Ale

Will add desc later - PeteyG

Triseed Juice

Will add desc later - PeteyG


Consisting of compressed fragrant plantlife, oils and the occasional recreational drug, incense is used for both religious purposes, and by the mass market for relaxation.


Useful as a preservative and in general food preparation. Traders often use spices to disguise the taste of rancid meat after transport. Many human travellers use spices to add (disguise) the flavour in standard mealpacks.


Typically, the cured product of various plants burnt to produce an aromatic smoke and inhaled through a respiratory system. The most common variety used is the Nicotiana (nicotine) leaf. Other plant products include cannabis, hashish, and dried opium juice.


Typically a small tube filled with a crystalline substance used to produce an euphoric effect. Commonly absorbed into the bloodstream via the respiratory system, or injected directly into the bloodstream via hyposyringes.

Khaisalantimin F62

Produced by a genetically engineered hybrid of Terran and Xeno flora, the F62 variant of the extract of the seeds of the Khaisal plant induces a prolonged state of euphoria in humans. While the extract is not intrinisically toxic and withdrawal is remarkably mild, problems arise due to rapidly increasing tolerance and lost productivity due to excessive use.