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Trantorians think that their planet is the very centre of the universe and look somewhat odd onto the outworlders dropping in for a visit. Outworlders think that Trantorians must be insane for their habit of covering all the planets surface with the metallic domes of cities reaching several miles deep into the planetary crust.

Despite the shinyness of the domes, live underneath struggles with the general problem that cities are uninhabitable places and is greatly affected by two common believes which alltogether induces a rather dark, almost dooming atmosphere on all Trantor Class worlds: that all intelligent live in the universe must have come into being on only one single world, and that, for inevitable mathematical reasons, the universe is currently in a state of silent, but threatening decay that will bring about at least a thirty thousand years of barbarism.

Of course, nobody can tell nowadays which only one single world amongst the many had seen an upspring of intelligence in the mysthical past at least some twenty thousand years ago. But it is the Trantorians favourite hobby to endlessly debate whether it had been Isaac Asmiov or Hari Seldon who invented intelligence and who discovered the current crisis of universal decay.