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Revision as of 05:43, 5 March 2008

I (chuck_starchaser) wrote:

Is there a document somewhere with a list of such functions? I'm not the py coder in our team, but I strongly suspect Dilloh doesn't know 1.63% of the functions available to him. ...................................................... Well, how about a system where flight-group conditions override faction, when defined; and where individual conditions override flight group conditions, when defined?

Ace123 wrote:

This list is src/python/star_system_exports.h (the list of all VS.* functions), and their argument lists exist in faction_generic.h at the bottom as well as universe_util.h




#include <string>

#include <gnuhash.h>

#include "xml_support.h"

class FSM;
class Animation;
class Unit;
class Texture;
typedef stdext::hash_map<std::string, float> MapStringFloat;
  class Faction {

     * Faction_stuff holds the index and relationship of each and every
     * Other faction.  After it has been properly processed when calling
     * LoadXML, it will hold an ordered list containing all factions.
     * myfaction.faction[theirfaction].relationship will contain my
     * attitude to theirfaction
    struct faction_stuff {
      ///for internal purposes only.
      union faction_name {
   int index;
   char * name;
      } stats;
      ///A value between 0 and 1 indicating my attitude towards index
      float relationship;
      class FSM * conversation;//a conversation any two factions can have
      faction_stuff () {conversation=NULL;relationship=0;}
     * holds the relationships to all _other_ factions loaded
     * hold misguided info for self FIXME
    bool citizen;
    int playlist;
    float sparkcolor[4];
    std::vector <faction_stuff> faction;
   ///If logo==0, load from this one
   std::string logoName;
   std::string logoAlphaName;
   ///If secondaryLogo==0, load from this one
   std::string secondaryLogoName;
   std::string secondaryLogoAlphaName;
    ///Logos used by the ships of that faction
    Texture * logo;
    //if the squadron doens't; have its own particular logo
    Texture * secondaryLogo;
    ///char * of the name
    char * factionname;
    struct comm_face_t{
      std::vector <class Animation *> animations;
      CHOICE dockable;
      CHOICE base;
    std::vector <comm_face_t> comm_faces;
    std::vector <class Animation *> explosion;
    std::vector <std::string> explosion_name;
    std::vector <unsigned char> comm_face_sex;
    MapStringFloat ship_relation_modifier;
    Unit * contraband;
    ///Figures out the relationships of each faction with each other
    static void ParseAllAllies(/*Universe * thisuni*/);
    void ParseAllies(/*Universe * thisuni,*/ unsigned int whichfaction);
    static void LoadXML(const char * factionfile, char * xmlbuffer=NULL, int buflength=0);
    static void beginElement(void *userData, const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **atts);
   static void endElement(void *userData, const XML_Char *name);
   Faction() {
    ~Faction(); //destructor

extern  std::vector <Faction *> factions; //the factions

namespace FactionUtil {
    extern int upgradefac;
    extern int neutralfac;
    extern int planetfac;
      std::vector <class Animation *>* GetRandCommAnimation(int faction, Unit * unit, unsigned char &sex);
      void SerializeFaction (FILE * file);
      string SerializeFaction();
      void LoadSerializedFaction (FILE * file);
      void LoadSerializedFaction( char * &buf);
      int numnums (const char * str);
      ///returns the index of the faction with that name
      //int GetFaction (const char *factionname);
      int GetNumAnimation(int faction);
      const char * GetFaction (int faction);
      class Unit * GetContraband(int faction);
      * Returns the relationship between myfaction and theirfaction
      * 1 is happy. 0 is neutral (btw 1 and 0 will not attack)
      * -1 is mad. <0 will attack
      int GetFactionIndex(string name);
      inline int GetUpgradeFaction(){return upgradefac;}
      inline int GetNeutralFaction(){return neutralfac;}
      inline int GetPlanetFaction(){return planetfac;}
                inline float GetIntRelation (const int myfaction, const int theirfaction){
                   return factions[myfaction]->faction[theirfaction].relationship;

      float GetRelation (string myfaction, string theirfaction);
      string GetFactionName(int index);
      bool isCitizenInt(int index);
      bool isCitizen(std::string name);
      void AdjustIntRelation (const int myfaction, const int theirfaction, const float factor, const float rank);
      void AdjustRelation(string myfaction,string theirfaction, float factor, float rank);
      int GetPlaylist (const int myfaction);
      const float* GetSparkColor (const int myfaction);
      unsigned int GetNumFactions();
      //Returns a conversation that a myfaction might have with a theirfaction
      FSM* GetConversation (const int myfaction, const int theirfaction);
      Texture *getForceLogo (int faction);
      Texture *getSquadLogo (int faction);

      Animation * createAnimation( const char * anim);
      Texture * createTexture( const char * tex, const char * tmp, bool force=false);
      Texture * createTexture( const char * tex, bool force=false);
      std::vector <class Animation *> * GetAnimation(int faction, int n, unsigned char &sex);
      Animation * GetRandExplosionAnimation (int whichfaction,std::string&which);
      void LoadFactionPlaylists();
      /** Still in faction_xml.cpp because createUnit **/
      void LoadContrabandLists();

extern  std::vector <Faction *> factions; //the factions



#include "cmd/collection.h"
#include "gfx/vec.h"
#include "networking/const.h"
#include "cmd/unit_util.h"

#include <string>
#include <vector>

class Unit;
class StarSystem;
class Cargo;

namespace UniverseUtil

   class PythonUnitIter: public un_iter
         PythonUnitIter ():UnitIterator(){}
         //   PythonUnitIterator (UnitListNode * start):UnitIterator(start){}
         PythonUnitIter (const UnitCollection::UnitIterator &t):UnitIterator(t){}
          ~PythonUnitIter() {;}
         Unit* current();
         inline void advance() { UnitIterator::advance();}
         void advanceSignificant();
         void advanceInsignificant();
         void advancePlanet();
         void advanceJumppoint();
         void advanceN(int);
         void advanceNSignificant(int n);
         void advanceNInsignificant(int n);
         void advanceNPlanet(int n);
         void advanceNJumppoint(int n);
         inline void preinsert(Unit *unit) { UnitIterator::preinsert(unit);}
         inline bool isDone() { return(UnitIterator::isDone());}
         inline bool notDone() {return(UnitIterator::notDone());}
         inline void remove() { UnitIterator::remove();}
         inline class Unit* next() { advance();return(current());}

   std::string LookupUnitStat(const std::string &unitname, const std::string &faction, const std::string &statname);

   Unit * GetUnitFromSerial( ObjSerial serial);
   ///this gets a unit with 1 of each cargo type in it
   Unit *GetMasterPartList ();
   ///this function sets the "current" system to be "name"  where name may be something like "sol_sector/sol"  or "vega_sector/vega"   this function may take some time if the system has not been loaded before

   void pushSystem (std::string name);
   bool systemInMemory(std::string name);
   ///this function restores the active system.... there must be an equal number of pushSystems ans popSystems or else Vega Strike may behave unpredictably
   void popSystem ();
   ///This function gets the current system's official name
   std::string getSystemFile();
   ///this function gets the current system's nickname (not useful)
   std::string getSystemName();
   ///this function gets an iterator into the units in the current system... do NOT keep an iterator across a frame--it may get deleted!
   PythonUnitIter getUnitList();
   ///This function gets a unit given a number (how many iterations to go down in the iterator)
   Unit *getUnit(int index);
   ///This function gets a unit given a name
   Unit *getUnitByName(std::string name);
   ///This function gets a unit given an unreferenceable pointer to it - much faster if finder is provided
   Unit *getUnitByPtr(void* ptr, Unit * finder=0, bool allowslowness=true);
   Unit *getScratchUnit();
   void setScratchUnit(Unit *);

   void precacheUnit(std::string name, std::string faction);
   QVector getScratchVector();
   void setScratchVector(QVector);
   int getNumUnits();
   void cacheAnimation (std::string anim);
   ///this function launches a wormhole or ajump point.
   Unit *launchJumppoint(std::string name_string,
      std::string faction_string,
      std::string type_string,
      std::string unittype_string,
      std::string ai_string,
      int nr_of_ships,
      int nr_of_waves,
      QVector pos,
      std::string squadlogo,
      std::string destinations);
   std::string vsConfig(std::string category,std::string option,std::string def);
   ///this function launches a normal fighter  the name is the flightgroup name, the type is the ship type, the faction is who it belongs to, the unittype is usually "unit" unless you want to make asteroids or nebulae or jump points or planets.  the aistring is either a python filename or "default"  the nr of ships is the number of ships to be launched with this group, the number of waves is num reinforcements... the position is a tuple (x,y,z) where they appear and the squadlogo is a squadron image...you can leave this the empty string  for the default squadron logo.
   Unit* launch (std::string name_string,std::string type_string,std::string faction_string,std::string unittype, std::string ai_string,int nr_of_ships,int nr_of_waves, QVector pos, std::string sqadlogo);
   ///this gets a random cargo type (useful for cargo missions) from either any category if category is  or else from a specific category  'Contraband'  comes to mind!
   Cargo getRandCargo(int quantity, std::string category);
   ///this gets a string which has in it a space delimited list of neighmoring systems
   std::string GetAdjacentSystem (std::string str, int which);
   ///this gets a specific property of this system as found in universe/milky_way.xml
   std::string GetGalaxyProperty (std::string sys, std::string prop);
   ///this gets a specific property of this system as found in universe/milky_way.xml and returns a default value if not found
   std::string GetGalaxyPropertyDefault (std::string sys, std::string prop, std::string def);
   ///this gets the number of systems adjacent to the sysname
   std::string GetGalaxyFaction(std::string sys);
   void SetGalaxyFaction(std::string sys, std::string fac);
   int GetNumAdjacentSystems (std::string sysname);
   ///this gets the current time in seconds
   float GetGameTime ();
   ///this sets the time compresison value to zero
   void SetTimeCompression ();
   ///this adds a playlist to the music and may be triggered with an int
   int musicAddList(std::string str);
   ///sets the software volume, with smooth transitions (latency_override==-1 uses default transition time)
   void musicSetSoftVolume(float vol, float latency_override);
   ///sets the hardware volume, does not support transitions of any kind.
   void musicSetHardVolume(float vol);
   ///this plays a specific song, at a specific layer
   void musicLayerPlaySong(std::string str,int layer);
   ///this plays msuci from a given list, at a specific layer (where the int is what was returned by musicAddList)
   void musicLayerPlayList(int which,int layer);
   ///this plays msuci from a given list, at a specific layer (where the int is what was returned by musicAddList)
   void musicLayerLoopList(int numloops,int layer);
   ///this skips the current music track, at a specific layer (and goes to the next in the currently playing list)
   void musicLayerSkip(int layer);
   ///this stops the music currently playing at a specific layer - with a nice fadeout
   void musicLayerStop(int layer);
   ///sets the software volume, with smooth transitions (latency_override==-1 uses default transition time)
   void musicLayerSetSoftVolume(float vol, float latency_override, int layer);
   ///sets the hardware volume, does not support transitions of any kind.
   void musicLayerSetHardVolume(float vol, int layer);
   ///this mutes sound - or unmutes it
   void musicMute(bool stopSound);
   ///this plays a specific song, through the crossfader construct
   inline void musicPlaySong(std::string str) { musicLayerPlaySong(str,-1); };
   ///this plays msuci from a given list (where the int is what was returned by musicAddList)
   inline void musicPlayList(int which) { musicLayerPlayList(which,-1); };
   ///this plays msuci from a given list (where the int is what was returned by musicAddList)
   inline void musicLoopList(int numloops) { musicLayerLoopList(numloops,-1); };
   ///this skips the current music track (and goes to the next in the currently playing list)
   inline void musicSkip() { musicLayerSkip(-1); };
   ///this stops the music currently playing - with a nice fadeout
   inline void musicStop() { musicLayerStop(-1); };
   ///this gets the difficutly of the game... ranges between 0 and 1... many missions depend on it never going past .99 unless it's always at one.
   float GetDifficulty ();
   ///this sets the difficulty
   void SetDifficulty (float diff);
   ///this plays a sound at a location...if the sound has dual channels it will play in the center
   void playSound(std::string soundName, QVector loc, Vector speed);
   ///this plays an image (explosion or warp animation) at a location
   void playAnimation(std::string aniName, QVector loc, float size);
   void playAnimationGrow(std::string aniName, QVector loc, float size,float growpercent);
   ///tells the respective flightgroups in this system to start shooting at each other
   void TargetEachOther (std::string fgname, std::string faction, std::string enfgname, std::string enfaction);
   ///tells the respective flightgroups in this system to stop killing each other urgently...they may still attack--just not warping and stuff
   void StopTargettingEachOther(std::string fgname, std::string faction, std::string enfgname, std::string enfaction);

   ///this ends the mission with either success or failure
   void terminateMission(bool term);
   ///this gets the player belonging to this mission
   Unit *getPlayer();
   ///this gets a player number (if in splitscreen mode)
   Unit *getPlayerX(int which);
   unsigned int getCurrentPlayer();
   ///this gets the number of active players
    int getNumPlayers ();
   // Clears all objectives (used for server-side when it's easy to get inconsistent.
   void clearObjectives();
   // Erases an objective.
   void eraseObjective(int which);
   ///this adds an objective for the cockpit to view ("go here and do this)
   int addObjective(std::string objective);
   ///this sets the objective's completeness (the int was returned by add objective)
   void setObjective(int which, std::string newobjective);
   ///this sets the completeness of a particular objective... chanigng the color onscreen
   void setCompleteness(int which, float completeNess);
   ///this gets that completeness
   float getCompleteness(int which);
   ///this sets the owner of a completeness
   void setOwnerII(int which,Unit *owner);
   ///this gets an owner of a completeness (NULL means all players can see this objective)
   Unit* getOwner(int which);
   //gets the owner of this mission
   int getMissionOwner();
   //sets the owner of this mission to be a particular cockpit
   void setMissionOwner(int);
   ///returns number missions running to tweak difficulty
   int numActiveMissions();
   ///this sends an IO message... I'm not sure if delay currently works, but from, to and message do :-) ... if you want to send to the bar do "bar" as the to string... if you want to make news for the news room specify "news"
   void IOmessage(int delay,std::string from,std::string to,std::string message);
   ///this gets a unit with 1 of each cargo type in it
   Unit *GetMasterPartList ();
   ///this gets a unit with a faction's contraband list... may be null (check with isNull)
   Unit *GetContrabandList (std::string faction);
   ///this sets whether or not a player may autopilot.  Normally they are both 0 and the autopiloting is allowed based on if enemies are near... if you pass in 1 then autopilot will be allowed no matter who is near... if you set -1 then autopilot is never allowed.  global affects all players... player just affects the player who accepted the mission.
   void SetAutoStatus (int global_auto, int player_auto);
   void LoadMission (std::string missionname);
   void LoadMissionScript (std::string scriptcontents);
   QVector SafeEntrancePoint (QVector,float radial_size=-1);
   QVector SafeStarSystemEntrancePoint (StarSystem *sts, QVector,float radial_size=-1);
   float getPlanetRadiusPercent ();

   void cacheAnimation (std::string anim);
   ///this function launches a wormhole or ajump point.
   Unit *launchJumppoint(std::string name_string,
      std::string faction_string,
      std::string type_string,
      std::string unittype_string,
      std::string ai_string,
      int nr_of_ships,
      int nr_of_waves,
      QVector pos,
      std::string squadlogo,
      std::string destinations);
   ///this function launches a normal fighter  the name is the flightgroup name, the type is the ship type, the faction is who it belongs to, the unittype is usually "unit" unless you want to make asteroids or nebulae or jump points or planets.  the aistring is either a python filename or "default"  the nr of ships is the number of ships to be launched with this group, the number of waves is num reinforcements... the position is a tuple (x,y,z) where they appear and the squadlogo is a squadron image...you can leave this the empty string  for the default squadron logo.
   Unit* launch (std::string name_string,std::string type_string,std::string faction_string,std::string unittype, std::string ai_string,int nr_of_ships,int nr_of_waves, QVector pos, std::string sqadlogo);
   ///this gets a random cargo type (useful for cargo missions) from either any category if category is  or else from a specific category  'Contraband'  comes to mind!
   Cargo getRandCargo(int quantity, std::string category);
   ///this gets the current time in seconds
   float GetGameTime ();
   ///this sets the time compresison value to zero
   void SetTimeCompression ();
   ///this adds a playlist to the music and may be triggered with an int
   int musicAddList(std::string str);
   ///this plays a specific song
   void musicPlaySong(std::string str);
   ///this plays msuci from a given list (where the int is what was returned by musicAddList)
   void musicPlayList(int which);
   ///this plays msuci from a given list (where the int is what was returned by musicAddList)
   void musicLoopList(int numloops);
   ///this plays a sound at a location...if the sound has dual channels it will play in the center
   void playSound(std::string soundName, QVector loc, Vector speed);
   ///this plays an image (explosion or warp animation) at a location
   void playAnimation(std::string aniName, QVector loc, float size);
   void playAnimationGrow(std::string aniName, QVector loc, float size,float growpercent);
   ///this gets the player belonging to this mission
   Unit *getPlayer();
   ///this gets a player number (if in splitscreen mode)
   Unit *getPlayerX(int which);
   void StopAllSounds(void);
   unsigned int getCurrentPlayer();
   ///this gets the number of active players
   int getNumPlayers ();
   int maxMissions ();
   bool networked ();
   bool isserver ();
   // Forwards this request onto the server if this is a client, or send back to client.
   void sendCustom (int cp, string cmd, string args, string id);
   // Executes a python script
   void receivedCustom (int cp, bool trusted, string cmd, string args, string id);
   std::string getVariable(std::string section,std::string name,std::string def);
   std::string getSubVariable(std::string section,std::string subsection,std::string name,std::string def);
   double timeofday ();
   double sqrt (double);
   double log (double);
   double exp (double);
   double cos (double);
   double sin (double);
   double acos (double);
   double asin (double);
   double atan (double);
   double tan (double);
   void micro_sleep(int n);
   void addParticle (QVector loc, Vector velocity, Vector color, float size);

   void    ComputeGalaxySerials( std::vector<std::string> & stak);
   void    ComputeSystemSerials( std::string & systempath);

   std::string getSaveDir();
   std::string getSaveInfo(const std::string &filename, bool formatForTextbox);
   std::string getCurrentSaveGame();
   std::string setCurrentSaveGame(const std::string &newsave);
   std::string getNewGameSaveName();
   void loadGame(const std::string &savename);
   void saveGame(const std::string &savename);

   // Splash stuff
   void showSplashScreen(const std::string &filename);
   void showSplashMessage(const std::string &text);
   void showSplashProgress(float progress);
   void hideSplashScreen();
   bool isSplashScreenShowing();

   // Defined in gamemenu.cpp for vegastrike, universe_util_server.cpp for vegaserver.
   void startMenuInterface(bool firsttime, string alert=string()); // If game fails, bring it back to a common starting point.
#undef activeSys