Cargo:Old:Specialty goods

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Robotic Surgeons

While robotic assistance has long been the norm for medical procedures, generating an AI capable of reacting to operating room conditions without guidance has been an ongoing research project. This is the latest, and most promising, result.

Regen Tank

With advances in DNA and cellular research, the medical establishment is now able to restore lost or damaged cellular material. Unfortunately, cellular reconstruction takes several months to regrow a digit, let alone any other bodypart, thus limiting usage to necessary body regeneration therapy only. Lastly, they have not figured out how to stop the replacement part from itching the entire time it's growing back...

Cryogenic Pods

For the last thousand years humans have been freezing themselves (or their heads) in the hope that they will one day be revived. While the oddsmakers on New Vegas tend to see the survival rate ever breaking fifty/fifty as too close to call one way or the other, it is clear that our ability to freeze things has advanced rather more rapidly than our ability to defrost them.


After the medical lawsuits of last century, something was needed to stop certain segments of the medical community from gaining some perverse pleasure by jamming large hollow needles into their fellow beings. The hyposyringe uses an explosive blast of air to insert the required dosage, and vacuum to extract bodily tissue.

First Aid Kits

While the contents have changed countless times, these kits can be found in every public transport and in every overprotective mother's travel bags. Typically containing everything to required to heal a papercut to amputating a limb, use of the advanced items is recommended only by those with a medical license or suffering psychopathy.

Medical Kit

Given their somewhat similar chemical makeup, the Aera medical kit contains many items similar or analogous to those found in human first aid. Of noteworthy exception, however, is the standard issue in all Aera packs of a suicide pill marked 'Treatment for Terminal Trauma'.


The Aera originated on a warm world, and are subject to episodes of reduced functionality if caught unprepared in a frigid environment. These coveralls are packed with shielded isotopes and spectral converters that are guaranteed to warm an Aera back up to body temperature within a few minutes.

DNA Resequencer

This portable device can take any DNA sample and transcribe it into the more familiar Rlaan analogs so that it may be more conveniently analyzed.

Cellular Accelerant

A gel pack of complex organic muck that when applied to the site of an injury, will greatly increase the rate of a Rlaan's healing process.

Immunological Data

With the variable stresses placed on sentient health because of space travel, research continues into the various health effects, both positive and negative, that changing environments have. The intention is to find mitigative options to the dangers of space travel, and reduction of dangers from the exploration of new worlds. Such research will also have a flow through effect on existing health data.

Surgical Techniques

As the medical professions strive to deliver pain free services for maximum cost and minimum effort, the development of surgical techniques is critical. This research examines the usefulness of different invasive techniques, as well as the application of technologies to focus on the problem at hand, without causing further damage and harming a surgeon's GOD complex.

Engineered Bacteria

The uses of bacteria in various processes has been known for millenia. The intention here is to tailor bacteria to deal with specific problems - whether medical, industrial, pollution or military.

Neural Integration

This research incorporates the bionic Full Body Augmentation. The theorized intention is the ability to upload the sentient mind into a neural computer, effectively replacing the organic body with an artificial body. While the end cannot be seen, developments in carbon based computing show promise.

Altered Strains

While the Rlaan are masters of genetic manipulation, the Aera are decided amateurs, and are behind most of humanity in this area of research. In particular, they have only recently taken measures to artificially expand the gene pool of their own species.

Implant Tolerance

Although tending to be more physically gifted than the other dominant species, the Aera suffer from high rejection rates of mechanical implants due to their overzealous immune systems.

Bio Adapters

The Rlaan are more skilled than any other known species at the production of altered organisms, but are still working on perfecting organo-mechanical interface units so sentient beings can serve as bio-power sources. One tends to believe success at the first has hindered funding towards the second.

Bio Splicers

Hand-held retro-viral incubation and insertion device. Testing still in the beta stage - namely, not on Rlaan.


Simple Medicines

Common herbs, bandages and mixtures have use in a wide variety of applications. As life provides the normal knocks, a sentient being needs the occassional help to keep going.


With interstellar trade and war, the risk of infection from dangerous diseases and biological weapons requires vaccinations against every conceivable threat.

Advanced Medicines

Artificially created or derived treatments used in the fight against all problems that occur while leading a modern life. Whether treating cancers, diseases, or the common cold, there is something for everyone.

Longevity Drugs

The term longevity is a misnomer. While not extending life as such, these drugs DO ensure that one's body and mind remain fully capable until the very end. They provide a trade off between slow deterioration of body tissue, and fully functional tissue followed by extremely rapid decay to cellular matter in minutes. Brings new meaning to the phrase 'melting pot'.

Blood Plasma

Each sentient species requires its own supply of interchangeable bodily fluids. Blood plasma is useful in restoring lost fluids from accidents or injury. Compatible with all types within one sentient species. Without blood plasma advanced medical technology would be useless.

Experimental Drugs

With the advent of space travel, access to other planetary plantlife has greatly expanded. Research into the effects of various plant derived compounds continues to produce experimental drugs which have varying efficiency on solving problems that have plagued sentient life for millennia.


Enhanced Limbs

When the limbs of a sentient being are just not up to the job, fiber enhancements, neuro drivers and bone reinforcing increases function by several orders of magnitude.

Enhanced Organs

Sometimes genecrafting alone cannot provide the benefits desired. Whether organs are failing from age or ill health, or the host requires increased function because of adverse operating conditions, these enhancements will both strengthen the organ and incrase performance.

Artificial Limbs

Whether a limb is lost, or a sentient needs performance over and above enhancements, these limbs, made from advanced alloys are connected directly to a body's neural network and function with equal proficiency. Reports of limbs attacking the host body are unsubstantiated.

Artificial Organs

Where conditions are so dangerous that natural body organs wither and die, replacement artificial organs will keep functioning. Originally touted as replacement organs, artificial organs are now popular with those engaged in dangerous jobs and pursuits.

Neural Interface

The true pulse of an Andolian is not the calm beating of her heart, but the rampaging datastream of her mind. Neural Interfaces connect a sentient being directly into any computerized network. Brain signals are converted to electronic impulses which in turn are read as operational commands by the network. Interfaces allow the operator to perform actions at a vastly superior speed in comparison to manual input.

Neural Computer

A development of neural interfaces, the neural computer acts as a secondary brain, often controlling sentient actions when the primary intelligence is incapable. Such functions reflect the ability of pilots to function under high inertia, and explain the reports of zombie mercenaries.

Full Body Augmentation

The full body package involves the replacement of all applicable limbs and organs with artificial versions, the enhancement of remaining body parts, neural interfacing, and a neural computer. As the process is irreversible, only those in highly dangerous fields such as mercenaries or asteroid miners will opt for this.


Rare Artwork

In the age of plasprints and holvids, the creations of the hand hold an especial value to today's connoiseur. There is just something about wood, canvas and oil paints that appeals. The more famous the artwork, or the artist, the more valuable the piece. Most famous of all is the 'Moaning Lisa', itself apparently a derivative of an older, lost work of art.


Pleasure Borgs

With the rise in dangerous transmitted diseases, self-cleansing pleasure borgs were developed to serve as the oldest profession in known history. Highly trained and able to perform duties ranging from the gentlest of touches, to the wildest imaginings of S and M, these borgs are an expensive but pleasurable pastime.


A well told tale still remains one of the chief forms of entertainment. Only the delivery of the tale changes. While books of the past consisted of large tomes filled with biodegradable paper, today's versions consist of plasfilm storage to be inserted into your PAD for projection.


Being entertainment consisting of sound, music takes many forms ranging from classical melodies, to heavy beat music, to today's synthetic muzo. Strangely, music from bands with bug names features highly in music culture, and one fellow known only as 'The King' has been generating music for several centuries.


Mindless 3D visual entertainment for the masses. Especially popular among those with no noticeable social life. This year's top seller on the Confederation frontier: 'Who's your Dgn?: Interspecies Fantasies XXIV'. And, as always, the top seller in High Born space: 'Birth of a Nation II.'


Consisting of a meld of most forms of entertainment (holovid, aromatic oil, music, and the odd pleasure borg), erotica is a sensual feast wherein the purveyor is immersed in all the forms of sensation known to their race.


Providing near endless possibility for gameplay and maximizing entertainment return, interactive computer games are a market fueled by the hard labors of underfunded dreamers. Despite their lack of fiscal resources they still manage to produce high quality products and garner wide fan bases. These these fan bases could theoretically provide support for the poor, downtrodden programmers and content providers, but strangely they never seem to.

Classical Instruments

Typically, those musical instruments designed and built before the age of industrialization. Usually percussion and acoustic instruments, most of which were built by those regarded as masters in their musical fields.

Musical Instruments

Collective description of contempory music generation equipment. Commonly consisting of sound synthesizers, they also include modern forms of the percussion and acoustic instruments of older times.