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Faction data
Species Lightbearer
Homeworld (Origin) Earth
Capital fixme

(Defunct Meme-group comprised of members of the "suprahuman" strain of humanity)

From a planet discovered on a joint mission with the Shapers the Lightbearers cultivated some of the early Dgn, further twisting their development along their own designs until they settled upon what are now the Shmrn.
When later a Lightbearer exploratory group discovered the Klk'k homeworld they prepared to subjugate, and "correct" this species, whose somewhat anthropomorphic construction they viewed as a mockery of the divine human form. Fortunately for the Klk'k, the Andolians discovered them only some weeks after the first Lightbearer pacification vessel had arrived at the planet. The Andolians were outraged at the Lightbearers' actions against civilized sapients, and threw themselves against the Lightbearers in the first full-fledged human interstellar war.
The Andolian's greater manufacturing base outperformed the Lightbearer's economy. As the Lightbearer military-industrial complex collapsed, a secret was revealed that not even the Lightbearer allies had known about, namely, the existence of the Spaceborn a genetically engineered slave race of humans, designed to live their lives in zero gravity so as to prevent Lightbearer from having to deal with such a menial task as laboring in vacuum.
It is this revelation that is believed to bear primary responsibility for the lack of action taken by any other faction when the Andolians proceeded to eliminate not only the industrial capacity of the Lightbearer, but also the Lightbearers themselves.
Those that did not manage to escape to Shaper or Highborn space, or were not fortunate enough to be killed in the assaults on their worlds, had the dubious honor of being turned over to the Klk'k, the Spaceborn, and the Shmrn. The ensuing combination of sterilization and incarceration served to eliminate the Lightbearer meme from the realm of dominant thought.

Members of the Light-Bearer meme-group remained until the 'current' time, but extremely few within the Confederation, and none publicly, as any hint of the Light-Bearer meme tends to cause members of the Simons to conduct a hunt. Those fleeing into unexplored space rarely stayed ahead of future human expansion and were hunted diligently by the Simons. Those few who fled off of the jump network entirely gained a longer respite, but the practical limitations of such journeys meant that all but the most well-hidden outposts could only be temporary homes -- anything reachable by a defeated and fleeing group via SPEC would clearly soon become reachable by those searching for them, especially with greater resources behind them.

Descendants of Light-Bearers remained until the 'current' time, but only in small numbers, and generally integrated into other societies, if not necessarily into other gene pools. As the Andolian view of the war was not a war against a polity or a people, but a culture, ideology, and general worldview ( i.e. a set of ideas and beliefs) that the Andolians believed intrinsically diseased, given the behaviors undertaken by their adherents, in the most general case, only those young enough to be deemed viable candidates for successful re-education were even given an opportunity for a post-internment existence. After dispersion among many worlds, the total population of living Suprahomo is quite small, especially pure-strains. Existing populations are generally ideologically integrated into their surroundings, and, while subject to surveillance, are not otherwise infringed upon provided no contact with Light-Bearers has been observed.

Shaper custody: As mentioned in the description of the Shaper faction, they find the concept of human slavery fundamentally abhorrent to their ideals of personal freedoms. Thus, while those Light-Bearers who fled to Shaper space may have faced a less dire fate than those remaining to face the Andolians, they were not welcomed with open arms. Precise details on the number of Light-Bearers who submitted themselves to Shaper control have never been made available, and it is generally believed that only those Light-Bearers with useful skills or information were well treated in Shaper custody. Within a few months of the end of the war, only limited signs of the Light-Bearer influx could be seen, and the number of Light-Bearers presented by the Shapers to the Shmrn, Space-born, and Klk'k delegations for oversight by said aggrieved parties is widely believed to be much smaller than the number arriving within Shaper space.