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How to compile from a released source tarball under Linux (and most other Unix-like systems as well, probably).

This HowTo assumes that this is not the first program you compile yourself and that you know your basic tools like your shell, tar, etc.

See also: HowTo:Compile from SVN, HowTo:Checkout SVN (Ubuntu Linux)


The requirements are roughly the same as for the SVN version, except that the autotools shouldn't be necessary.

Getting the needed files


vegastrike-source-0.5.0 contains all the sources we need, while vegastrike-0.5.0 consists of non-code game data like models, textures, etc. It also still has precompiled binaries which cause only confusion and thus could be deleted, if you wish to:

rm -r vegastrike-0.5.0/bin

The configure process is pretty straighforward, as usual ./configure --help shows all relevant options. Apart from --prefix to tell configure where Vega Strike shall be installed, --with-data-dir is quite important. A sample configure process follows:

cd vegastrike-source-0.5.0
# This will install Vega Strike to /opt/local/games/, so the binary "vegastrike"
# can then be called as "/opt/local/games/bin/vegastrike"
# Also the data is (and should always be) located at "/home/myuser/Download/vegastrike-0.5.0"
./configure --prefix=/opt/local/games/ --with-data-dir=/home/myuser/Download/vegastrike-0.5.0/

If configure finishes without errors, it's time to compile and install Vega Strike. Depending on what you set as PREFIX, you will have to do the install step as root:

make && make install
# (try the -j<n> make option if you run a multicore/multiprocessor machine)

Of course having the data in your personal home directory is not "the proper way"™ to do it, you might want to move the vegastrike-0.5.0 directory to /opt/local/games/share/vegastrike first, for example. Don't forget to adapt the configure options accordingly!

arrow_left.png Compiling from SVN on Mac OSX arrow_up.png HowTos Debug Using GDB arrow_right.png