HowTo:VCPP Compiling

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Compiling under VCpp

When another module (e.g. vegastrike, texturizer), they should be placed in the directory above vega-proj in the directory tree.

For example, when you want to checkout Vega Strike, you may make a Vegastrike directory and from there, checkout vega-proj (or vega-vc7 for ".NET" users), vegastrike, data and then maybe texturizer or vssetup ALL from this directory.

vegastrike/ - base directory.
vegastrike/vegastrike/ - The stuff from the vegastrike module (the actual code)
vegastrike/vega-proj/ - The project files. (VISUAL C++ 6.x)
vegastrike/vega-vc7/ - The project files. (VISUAL C++ 7.x)
vegastrike/vssetup/ - the vssetup module directory.
vegastrike/texturizer/ - If you want to compile the texturizer.
data4.x - The newer version of data.  Does not need -kb

module data the old data module) is the one exception to this rule. Can be put anywhere on your hard drive. DATA (NOT data4.x, only data) MUST BE CHECKED OUT WITH -kb (BINARY MODE)

Here is a list of every project included for CVS compilation:

  • AsterGet (AsterGen.exe)
  • mission (Mission Launcher.exe)
  • savegame (Launcher.exe)
  • texturizer (Texturizer.exe)
    • REQUIRES texturizer module
  • TriSort (TriSort.exe)
  • vsacctserver (accountserver.exe)
  • vegastrike (Vegastrike.exe)
  • vsserver (vegaserver.exe)
  • vssetup (Setup.exe)
    • REQUIRES vssetup module

Visual C++ 6.0

Here is a batch file that could be used to checkout everything and then compile all projects (copy and paste in makeall.bat), if you were going somewhere for a few hours and wanted to get a working project when you got back:

mkdir vegastrike
cd vegastrike
@echo ***type in <enter> for prompted password***
cvs login
cvs -z3 co vega-proj
cvs -z3 co vegastrike
cvs -z3 co vssetup
cvs -z3 co texturizer
cvs -z3 co -kb data4.x
cvs logout
cd vega-proj
msdev vegastrike.dsw /MAKE ALL

Visual C++ 7.x

Here is a batch file that could be used to checkout everything and then compile all projects (copy and paste in makeall.bat), if you were going somewhere for a few hours and wanted to get a working project when you got back:

@echo off
mkdir vegastrike
cd vegastrike
echo ***** Type in {ENTER} for password when asked *****
cvs login
cvs -z3 co vega-vc7
cvs -z3 co vegastrike
cvs -z3 co vssetup
cvs -z3 co texturizer
cvs -z3 co data4.x
cvs logout
cd vega-vc7
echo Building project...
"C:\VC7\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" vegastrike.sln /BUILD Debug
cd ..
cd ..

NOTE: You must replace the "C:\vc7" with the directory where you installed visual c++ 7 and replace the "Debug" on the same line with "Release" if you want a release build.

Visual C++ Toolkit 2003

This is a free download from Microsoft, and is the same compiler and linker as Visual Studio 2003.

Instructions to come. I'm setting this up in anticipation of success:-)

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