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== Compile the Vega Strike sourcecode ==
== Compile the Vega Strike sourcecode ==
* [[HowTo:VCPP Compiling|Compiling from SVN under Visual C++]]
* [[HowTo:VCPP Compiling|Compiling from SVN under Visual C++]]

Revision as of 02:19, 2 September 2006

Compile the Vega Strike sourcecode

Using GDB with Vegastrike

This page provides information on how to use GDB to help debug Vegastrike.

Debugging process

Game compilation

  • First you have to configure Vegastrike with the --enable-debug option in addition to your others:
    ./configure <your other parameters> --enable-debug
  • Then make your Vegastrike binary:

Please make sure you have enough disk space available before doing this. Compiling Vegastrike with --enable-debug eats up a huge amount of disk space.


  • Start gdb (GNU Debugger):
    gdb /path/to/vegastrike
  • Start the game by typing this into the gdb-console:
  • When the error occurs or it dies type
print *this
backtrace full
print *this
print *this

Using Dr Watson with Vegastrike

When running Vegastrike on Windows, getting a backtrace from the Dr. Watson utility can help debug crashes. To set up Dr. Watson, we first need to change the type of log it dumps, and the location.

Launch Dr. Watson. The easiest way to do this is by opening the "Run" dialogue from the start menu and typing in


Otherwise, it should be located in c:\windows\system32

Change the location of its output somewhere convenient, and set "Crash Dump Type" to Mini (which is human-readable). Of course, "Create Crash Dump File" must be checked off, and enabling "Dump Symbol Table" and "Dump All Thread Contents" would probably be a good idea.

Then you should get a log produced when Vegastrike crashes. Please submit this with your bug report.

Linux Clients

Command-line svn




The linux-command `svn' is the most basic Subversion client.

Using svn for downloading vs-devel

Downloading the Vega Strike svn-modules is easy. The general syntax is

 svn co [repo]/trunk/[module] [target-directory]
 svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vegastrike/trunk/vegastrike vegastrike

...will download the entire tree into directory `vegastrike'. In order to download single modules, a similar syntax can be used. For example, to download the data4.x-module,

 svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vegastrike/trunk/data4.x data4.x

...will suffice. In order to get all the files required to compile the game, checkout the following modules:

  • data4.x
  • vegastrike
  • music (optional)

Tutorial to download, setup and run the development version

In order to run the development version of Vega Strike the executables expect to find the data and music to be in certain places relative to them. This short tutorial deals with these specifics on Linux operating systems. (It also applies for Mac OS X users.)

So, let's start.

  • Create a directory where you would like your copy of the Vega Strike development version to live in. For example purposes we will create a directory called VegaStrike in our user's home-directory.
~> mkdir VegaStrike
  • Change into this newly created directory. In our case:
~> cd VegaStrike

Initial downloading (check-out)

Now we can start downloading the packages from the SVN repository. If you download them directly into your Vega Strike directory they will be just in the right place.

  • Download (check-out) the source code package vegastrike, the content package data4.x and the optional music package.
~/VegaStrike> svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vegastrike/trunk/vegastrike
~/VegaStrike> svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vegastrike/trunk/data4.x
~/VegaStrike> svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vegastrike/trunk/music

This leaves you with three new directories inside your Vega Strike directory called as the packages are.

Note: If you are having problems with SVN due to connecting via a proxy, try to solve them using the method described here: http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#proxy


  • To build the engine, change into the source code directory vegastrike.
~/VegaStrike> cd vegastrike
  • Now start with setting up and configuring the build and finally building the engine.
~/VegaStrike/vegastrike> ./bootstrap-sh
~/VegaStrike/vegastrike> ./configure
~/VegaStrike/vegastrike> make vegastrike
~/VegaStrike/vegastrike> make soundserver

You will likely receive some error messages during any of these stages, especially during the configure part. If they tell you that your system is missing some development libraries install them. How this is done depends strongly on your Linux distribution, but we will assist you in the Compiling Problems forums. You will be left with a file called "config.log" please attach that instead of copy-and-pasting thousands of lines of error messages. It's all in this file.

After you installed the missing libraries repeat the last (failed) step and continue. Finally, there will be two executables called vegastrike and soundserver.


To run Vega Strike, the built executables need all the configuration and data files to be in the right place relative to them. Currently, they reside in the source code directory. But they have to be run out of the data4.x directory. Therefore, we will create a link.

  • Change in to the data4.x directory. (We are still in the source code directory vegastrike.)
~/VegaStrike/vegastrike> cd ../data4.x
  • Create symbolic links to the executables in the source code directory.
~/VegaStrike/data4.x> ln -s ../vegastrike/vegastrike
~/VegaStrike/data4.x> ln -s ../vegastrike/soundserver

If we had made copies or moved the files instead of symbolic linking, we would have to do the procedure of copying or moving every time we build the executables from source.

Running and configuring

  • To run Vega Strike you have to start it from the data4.x directory.
~/VegaStrike/data4.x> ./vegastrike
  • Optionally you can create a short cut to this application onto your desktop or in your start menu. Simply point it to the vegastrike executable in the data4.x directory.
  • If you need to adjust screen resolutions, input devices and key-mappings, do so by editing the configuration file vegastrike.config. The default configuration file resides in the data4.x directory. You can change that or you can make your own user specific version by first copying it into your .vegastrike (hidden directory) directory in your user's home directory.

Known bugs and work-arounds

Staying updated with the development version

As development progresses the repository changes. In order to update your working copy you need to do the following.

  • Change into the package's directory you want to update. In our example all the packages were stored in a directory called VegaStrike. Let's assume we want to update the data4.x package.
~> cd VegaStrike
~/VegaStrike> cd data4.x
  • Update from the SVN repository.
~/VegaStrike/data4.x> svn update
  • Do this for every package you want to update. Exchange data4.x with vegastrike or music.
  • If something changed in the data4.x or the music package, you don't need to recompile.
  • If something changed in the source code package vegasstrike. You only need to repeat the building part of this tutorial.

Windows Clients

Tortoise SVN




Just like TortoiseCVS, Tortoise SVN lets you work with files under SVN version control directly from Windows Explorer. It's freely available under the GPL.

With TortoiseSVN you can directly check out modules, update, commit and see differences by right clicking on files and folders within Explorer. You can see the state of a file with overlays on top of the normal icons within Explorer. It even works from within the file open dialog.


  • Download and Install Tortoise SVN from http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org
  • Create a new folder in Windows Manager where you will download your modules (called Sandbox, SVN or similar working location name);
  • Within that folder, create another folder being the name of module you wish to checkout e.g. data4.x, music, vegastrike etc;
  • Right click on the folder created and select SVN Checkout. This brings up the checkout configuration screen;
  • Input the URL of the repository into the dialog box, for example data4.x will be;
    • You may also use the built-in repository browser to select the module you wish to check out.
  • Click OK to begin checkout of the module.

Mac OS X Clients

Command Line Client



(or http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/search.php?summary=svn for Fink packages.)





"The goal of the SCPlugin project is to integrate Subversion into the Mac OS X Finder. The inspiration for this project came from the TortoiseSVN project."


Must have command line client installed.

