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  The Crayfish should have two turrets, starboard and
portside.  These will need to be armed with an instant lock
capable tractor beam that is also capable of wide sweeps.
  The turrets should resemble pincers on a thorax.  The thorax
would be the hold/storage bay.  The tail of the Crayfish would
be a scoop for redirecting propulsion.
  Skin would be a dark green fading into rusty patches around

== Description ==

 <pre> The Crayfish is a lightly armed salvage vessel. Its only weapons are
pincers(wide swath (and large depth of field))tractor beams that are used to
stow floatsome (and nearby enemy ships) in its cavernous hold) and the EMP
it produces to propel itself backward.
  The Crayfish must use fuel to produce the backflicking reflex that is used
to dissable enemy vessels while dodging their fire.<pre>

== Performance Statistics ==