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The Hralgkrak province borders on the Landreich and is led by Ukar dai Ragark of the Haka clan. He is interested in expanding his territory after the end of the war; during the war, he had been out of favor for criticizing the Emporer and Thrakhath's running of the war, and since the war he has said that the war was lost through their incompetence. (False Colors, 50). The Hralgkrak province is about the same size as the Landreich (FC, 67), though its military is much larger.

Ragark has a fleet of older ships, stuff that the Emporer didn't have a use for any more. (FC, 52).

Ragark has employed religious overtones in trying to stir up the Kilrathi against the humans and to his cause; he advocates a return to the teachings in their codices. (FC, 52).

The planet Hralgkrak is an old Kilrathi colony; it has become self sufficient and has lush jungles.

Nahaddar is a planet in the Hralgkrak province. The Nahad are restless and could be stirred to rebellion against Ragark. (FC, 101). We know nothing further of the Nahad.