Es:Manual:Insystem travel
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Viajes interplanetarios
Aquí hay tres caminos potenciales para viajar a través de lugares dentro de un sistema. Estos son por medio de los modos de combate y de vuelo, o usando el dispositivo SPEC de tu nave. Intentar viajar entre lugares bajo los modos normales requiere de una cantidad de tiempo excesiva; Así mismo, para viajes rápidoes entre los planetas, asteroides y satélites artificiales deberías usar tu dispositivo SPEC.
El Dispositivo SPEC
El dispositivo SPEC (Spatial Partitioned Expansion Contraction) y sus equivalentes alienígenas doblan el espacio alrededor de la nave en cada dirección en la que esta se mueve a velocidad normal usando el espacio comprimido, generando un efecto de movimiento con magnitudes mucho más altas que en el Modo Vuelo. La degradación de la compresión espacial (y así mismo de la efectividad del dispositivo) está limitada por la proximidad de cualquier pozo de gravedad cercano (soles, planetas o también estaciones). Entonces, a mayor cercanía de un pozo de gravedad, menor magnitud de movimiento sobre la velocidad normal. Puede que hallas escuchado una metáfora sobre la gavedad que dice "El espacio es una gran y suave cama, los planetas son bolas de boliche, y las bolas pequeñas ruedan a través de las ranuras." Bueno, en el viaje SPEC, los planetas son como grandes colinas que se vuelven más escarpadas conforme te vas acercando a ellas.. |
The energy costs for using the SPEC drive are much higher than jumping. As such, SPEC drives are used for interstellar travel only when exploring outside the jump network or when launching a military expedition (as going through the "front door" (e.g. the jump network) is ill advised). All spaceworthy ships are fitted with a SPEC drive for insystem travel.
To use SPEC, make sure that your direction vector and your velocity vector are both aligned on your target. This means that you must point your ship at your destination and actually travel in the direction you are pointing. To activate, press . A blue SPEC indicator light will appear on your HUD, and your velocity will increase. On final approach to your destination, press the same key again to deactivate the drive and return to your previous flight control. Please also note that your weapon systems are disabled while the SPEC drive is activated, to avoid collision with your own weaponry.
Vega Strike has access to an alternative insystem function (not used in the core game, but available for mods) called Autopilot. Autopilot shortens the transition time between two areas of interest where there are no identifiable hazards nearby, such as the presence of enemies and obstacles (asteroid fields).
Where autopilot is available, the AUTOPILOT light in the cockpit activates. To use it, however, a player must first select a destination. Use the targeting keys or map screen to browse through the available nav points and select a destination. Once a destination has been chosen, hitting activates autopilot. Your cockpit viewpoint is replaced by a camera view panning around your ship, reverting back to normal on arrival at your destination. Generally speaking, autopilot delivers a player within 15,000 meters of their destination, at which point the player must manually fly the remaining distance.
Pressing multiple times with the same target merely re-centers that target and will not transition any closer than 15,000 meters.
The autopilot light will be off as a result of the following:
- The player is within 15,000 meters of a destination;
- A potentially hostile target (use to browse units targeting you) is nearby; or
- The player is near or within a hazard (use to browse for hazards).
If none of these scenarios applies, it may be that a hostile just died and your sensors are verifying the debris is inactive - wait around 10-20 seconds for the autopilot light to appear.
See also
- Terminology:SPEC (-drive)
- See Manual:Keyboard layout for the necessary command keys.
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