TODO Items
Bugs temp Aug 26
- orbiting bases shouldn't be jumping.
- Fix cargo generation (I get NaN orientation for cargo). Tractoring cargo.
- Fix names of units not being sent and/or received.
Stretching units bug
inline Matrix WarpMatrix ( const Matrix& ctm) const{
static float cutoff =XMLSupport::parse_float (vs_config->getVariable( "graphics","warp_stretch_cutoff","500000"))*XMLSupport::parse_float(vs_config->getVariable("physics","game_speed","1"));
static float cutoffcutoff= cutoff*cutoff;
(11:26:07 PM) Patrick: inline?
(11:26:09 PM) Danny: it just checks if the speed is greater than some ammt
(11:26:12 PM) Danny: ya stupid, eh? :-)
(11:26:28 PM) Danny: it can be moved to a cpp file--but remember everyting includes unit.cpp too
(11:26:31 PM) Danny: so it doesn't matter
(11:26:52 PM) Danny: it's easy enough to make a config option that never stretches if graphicOptions.InWarp==0
(11:27:05 PM) Danny: (it needs to be a config cus some star trek mods have afterburner do warp effect)
- NET: Make sure CMD_CARGOUPGRADE always actually works serverside... no removing of cargo on server and not telling the client about it!
- NET: Cargo salvage boxes when client dies?
- Why does generic_cargo import a whole bunch of cargo????
- This causes server to spam CMD_CARGOUPGRADE's to everyone 100's of times every time generic cargo is made.
- Also, fix naming of said cargo.