import quest
import Vector
import VS
import unit
import vsrandom
import launch
import faction_ships
class quest_peteyg (
def __init__ (self):
# I think this will get a mining base from the system, and assign it to 'station'
# launch the two freighters. perhaps give the socialist ship a 'sitting duck' AI
self.merchant=launch.launch_wave_around_unit("VulCorp Transport A-5",'merchant','plowshare',"default",1,100,2,self.station)
self.socialist=launch.launch_wave_around_unit("Lenin's Mercy",'ISO','llama',"default",1,100,2,self.station)
self.merchantHull = self.merchant.GetHull()
self.prevMerchantHull = self.merchantHull
def Execute (self):
# some checking that I noticed in another quest, seeing if the player and station exist I think
if (playa):
if (1==1):
# checks to see if the player is within 5k of the station
if (self.station.getDistance(playa) < 5000):
if (
# the comm interchange between the two ships
VS.IOmessage (0,"game","all","[VulCorp Transport A-5] VulCorp Transport alpha five requesting priority docking.")
VS.IOmessage (1,"game","all","[VulCorp Transport A-5] We have a load of spare parts that needs to be delivered within the next half hour, or else we don't get paid.")
VS.IOmessage (4,"game","all","[Lenin's Mercy] Negative, transport Lenin's Mercy requesting emergency docking. We have thirteen critically injured passengers.")
VS.IOmessage (5,"game","all","[Lenin's Mercy] We picked them up after a squadron of pirates attacked their ship. They need immediate medical attention!")
VS.IOmessage (8,"game","all","[VulCorp Transport A-5] Station control, might we remind you that we have a contract with your base? We demand priority in the docking queue so we can complete our transaction.")
VS.IOmessage (10,"game","all","[Lenin's Mercy] You capitalist pigs! We have dying men and women on board, and all you can think about is your filthy money!")
VS.IOmessage (14,"game","all","[VulCorp Transport A-5] Socialist vessel: Stay out of the docking queue or you will be fired upon. We will not let a bunch of bleeding communists turn this major deal sour!")
VS.IOmessage (16,"game","all","[Lenin's Mercy] Negative, VulCorp Transport. The lives of our passengers are worth more than your profits!")
VS.IOmessage (18,"game","all","[VulCorp Transport A-5] All batteries! Open fire!!")
# the two ships start to attack each other
if (self.talk2==1):
# the privateer gets involved... or does he?
VS.IOmessage (0,"game","all","[Lenin's Mercy] Mayday! We are under attack! Privateer, please help us... we are no match for them. We have wounded on board!")
VS.IOmessage (1,"game","all","[VulCorp Transport A-5] Privateer, if you look the other way... you will be duly compensated.")
# if the merchant has taken hull damage, destroy him, give player their socialist rewared
if (self.merchant.GetHull() < self.prevMerchantHull):
# destroy the merchant ship
self.merchant.DealDamageToHull ((0,0,0),self.merchant.GetHull()*2)
# dock the socialist (just make him disappear)... I think Kill is what I want to use
self.socialist.setNull() # not really sure what i'm doing... i want to be able to check the dead/alive status later by seeing if the pointer is null or not, maybe there's a better way to do it.
# player gets transmission telling about the socialist's dumped cargo, like 5,000k away or something
# the player can tractor it in and make some serious cash
VS.IOmessage (0,"game","all","[Lenin's Mercy] Thank you, Privateer! The Interstellar Socialist Organization is in your debt. We are getting our wounded to the base's medical facility.")
VS.IOmessage (2,"game","all","[Lenin's Mercy] We have no money... but we are transmitting you coordinates of the cargo we dumped to make room for the attack victims. Do with it what you will.")
VS.IOmessage (4,"game","all","[Lenin's Mercy] You have made a friend with the ISO today. Safe journey.")
# launches the cargo, puts cargo in the new unit... or something like that
# self.cargo=launch.launch_wave_around_unit("Dumped Cargo",'neutral','generic_cargo',"default",5000,3000,6000,playa)
# rep with ISO goes way up. Not sure of the number
VS.IOmessage (0,"game","news","PRIVATEER SAVES SHIPLOAD OF WOUNDED: see subject -1, redundant")
return 0
# if the merchant ship is still alive after 40 seconds
if (VS.GetGameTime() - self.starttime > 50):
# destroy the socialist ship
self.socialist.DealDamageToHull ((0,0,0),self.socialist.GetHull()*2)
# if the merchant is still friends with the player, the merchant gives him a nice chunk of cash
if (5 > -.1):
VS.IOmessage (0,"game","all","[VulCorp Transport A-5] Privateer, thank you for your cooperation.")
VS.IOmessage (1,"game","all","[VulCorp Transport A-5] We will be able to make a killing on this shipment thanks to you. Here are 15,000 credits for your trouble.")
# rep with merchants goes up
VS.IOmessage (0,"game","news","MALICIOUS MERCHANT MASSACRES MARXIST MERCY MISSION: see subject -1, overrated")
return 0
# update the merchant hull status and previous frame's hull status at the end of the while loop
self.prevMerchantHull = self.merchant.GetHull()
return 1
class quest_peteyg_factory (quest.quest_factory):
def __init__ (self):
quest.quest_factory.__init__ (self,"quest_peteyg")
def create (self):
return quest_peteyg()