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The Belisarius Group is a conspiracy within the Confederation's military with two goals:

The first goal is known to all of the conspirators, whereas the second goal is kept a secret to all but the highest level of the conspiracy.

At first, Admiral Whittaker leads the genetic enhancement project. After his death, Rear Admiral Tolwyn assumes command.


Miruts Bikina joins the Free Republic of the Landreich Navy. He racks up a series of impressive victories and rises quickly through the ranks. [FC]

The Belisarius Group, including highly placed officers like DuVall and Murasaki, is formed. Their goal is to stage a military coup, replacing the post-Battle of Earth civilian government which they view as ineffective. They form a special security department, designated Y-12. In truth, the group is only a distraction, created as a cover for an even more sinister conspiracy seeking to use the Genetic Enhancement Program to forcibly prepare humanity for the next war. Adm. Whittaker is one of the few officers who understands this level of the project. [FC]

Adm. Whittaker visits his old friend RAdm. Tolwyn, informing him of the existence of the Belisarius Group and The Project. Whittaker asks Tolwyn to read Nietzsche to understand the truth of the program. Tolwyn, aware that mankind is not ready to fight the Nephilim, agrees to participate in the plan. He begins a rushed deployment of the Behemoth weapons platform, seeking to end the current war as quickly as possible to bring an end to Belisarius – and to initiate The Project. [FC]

Plot to Renew Hostilities with the Kilrathi

The Belisarius Group seeks to stir hostilities between the Kilrathi and the frontier Human worlds in order to build up the militaries of the Landreich and Union of Border Worlds. Later, after arms have been built up, the Genetic Enhancement Program, the conspiracy within the Belisarius Group, wishes to spark a fight between human worlds from which the new, genetically enhanced humans could emerge and take power.

The events of False Colors take place within this context--the Belisarius Group stirs hostilites between the Hralgkrak province and the Landreich while isolating the Landreich from the Confederation. Kruger has been busy building up the Landreich's military and wishes to repair the lost ship Karga for his military. The Belisarius Group wishes to intervene because they do not want the balance of power to tip decisively toward either the Landreich or the Kilrathi.

RAdm. Tolwyn returns from his final court martial appearance. He finds a voice message from agents of the Belisarius Group, claiming that they are responsible for his acquittal. This is Tolwyn’s signal that he must strengthen the Free Republic of the Landreich position in order to ensure the success of The Project. Tolwyn contacts his nephew, Maj. Tolwyn, and asks him to resign his commission to serve with the Free Republic of the Landreich Navy. [FC]

The Belisarius Group plans to support an invasion of the Free Republic of the Landreich by Kal Shintahr Ukar dai Ragark lak Haka. The move will make martyrs of the human colonies, leading to a renewed war with the Kilrathi and another chance for a military takeover of the government. [FC]

[Balthazar System] The Belisarius Group has The Guild launch a raid on the Free Republic of the Landreich Outpost. President Kruger insists that the attack must have been launched by the Kilrathi, though evidence to the contrary is ultimately discovered. [FC]


Adm. Richards contacts RAdm. Tolwyn to ask if he would be interested in serving with the Free Republic of the Landreich Navy. Tolwyn rebuffs Richards, believing he will receive a more important assignment in the near future. The two continue to discuss the plan in the ensuing months. Tolwyn recommends that Richards contact Jason Bondarevsky as a candidate for his operation. [FC]


David Whittaker is killed by Y-12 agents. His death makes RAdm. Geoffrey Tolwyn head of The Project. [FC]


[VIP Lounge, Moonbase Tycho, Luna, Sol System] Adm. Richards and Jason Bondarevsky meet with RAdm. Tolwyn. They discuss the situation between the Free Republic of the Landreich and Kal Shintahr Ukar dai Ragark lak Haka. Tolwyn, aware that he must strengthen the Landreich’s military pursuant to his plans for The Project, agrees to take a leave of absence and sign on with the Landreich. [Detailed: FC, pp.43-56]


[Presidential Palace, Newburg, Landreich, Landreich System] President Kruger meets with Commissioner Williams. The meeting ends with Williams angrily storming out of Kruger’s office, threatening that the Terran Confederation is willing to deploy forces to the Landreich Sector in order to prevent a conflict with Kal Shintahr Ukar dai Ragark lak Haka. Afterwards, Kruger meets with RAdm. Tolwyn, Adm. Richards and Jason Bondarevsky, who have just arrived from the FRLS Thermistocles. He briefs Tolwyn and Bondarevsky on the existence of the crippled KIS Karga, and his plan for Goliath Project. Tolwyn and Bondarevsky are given Free Republic of the Landreich Naval commissions. [Detailed: FC, pp.73-82]

Capt. Jason Bondarevsky requests that Lt. Harper be assigned as his aide. The request is granted. [FC]


[Operations Planning Center, FRLS Independence, Vaku VII Orbit, Vaku System] RAdm. Tolwyn confides in Adm. Richards about the Belisarius Group. Richards reluctantly agrees to go forward with Goliath Project. Tolwyn, Richards and Capt. Bondarevsky meet with Murragh Cakg dai Nokhtak, who agrees to help them retrieve his uncles command codes from the derelict KIS Karga. [Detailed: FC, pp.207-212]