Play the events that lead up to WC1
First part spans from the Iason Incident (2629.105) up to Clusters Carnival. Problem: According to the CIC's timeline, Cluster's Carnival takes place in 2644; but according to wcrevival's more detailed timeline, it happens in 2649 ...
A possible Part Two might overlap WC2-WC3. As of this writing, work is just commencing, and therefore the stuff below pertains exclusively to Part 1.
- Timeline from CIC for this timeframe (From the CIC Timeline)
- Timeline from WCrevival for this timeframe (From [ Wing Commander, the Revival)
- Carriers list for this timeframe(From LOAF's fleetcarriers page)
Other facts and hypotheses about this timefame
- Privateer and Righteous Fire connections (factual and hypothetical)
Relevant maps
Ships, weapons, strategies and tactics
Nations, Cultures, Politics, Factions
(Not that we'll have anything like Privateer-style missions, of course; but there may be magazine ads, and bar rumors that mention companies.)
(This is not about missions; it's about what's going on, generally, as background to the missions. About characters and faction's motivations, and the story that is told, through the missions and dialogues and reading materials.)
(In chronological order; dated.)
(Not the full dialogues, but important snippets that are relative to the story behind.)
Space comms, bar rumors, etc
Software requirements
- Walkable bases and carriers?
- Characters, animation, lipsynching
- AI (???)
- Multiple choice dialogues
- Magazines to read (random news not necessary; just randomization of advertisements)
- Synchronization of bar rumors and news to gameplay conditions
Offline tools
- Texturing aid (chuck_starchaser)