HowTo:Edit Missions:Python:Bindings:C plus plus

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//this function sets the "current" system to be "name"  where name may be something like
 //"sol_sector/sol"  or "vega_sector/vega"   this function may take some time if the system
 //has not been loaded before

        void pushSystem (string name);

 //this function restores the active system.... there must be an equal number of pushSystems
 //and popSystems or else Vega Strike may behave unpredictably
        void popSystem ();
 //This function gets the current system's official name
        string getSystemFile();
 //this function gets the current system's nickname (not useful)
        string getSystemName();
 //this function gets an iterator into the units in the current system... do NOT keep an iterator
 //across a frame--it may get deleted!
        un_iter getUnitList();
 //This function gets a unit given a number (how many iterations to go down in the iterator)
        Unit *getUnit(int index);
 //this function launches a wormhole or ajump point.
        Unit *launchJumppoint(string name_string,
                        string faction_string,
                        string type_string,
                        string unittype_string,
                        string ai_string,
                        int nr_of_ships,
                        int nr_of_waves,
                        QVector pos,
                        string squadlogo,
                        string destinations);
 //this function launches a normal fighter  the name is the flightgroup name, the type is the ship type,
 //the faction is who it belongs to, the unittype is usually "unit" unless you want to make asteroids or
 //nebulae or jump points or planets.  the aistring is either a python filename or "default"  the nr of
 //ships is the number of ships to be launched with this group, the number of waves is num reinforcements...
 //the position is a tuple (x,y,z) where they appear and the squadlogo is a squadron can leave
 //this the empty string '' for the default squadron logo.
        Unit* launch (string name_string,string type_string,string faction_string,string unittype,
                string ai_string,int nr_of_ships,int nr_of_waves, QVector pos, string sqadlogo);
 //this gets a random cargo type (useful for cargo missions) from either any category if category is ''
 //or else from a specific category  'Contraband'  comes to mind!
        Cargo getRandCargo(int quantity, string category);
 //This gets the faction name of an index
        string GetFactionName(int index);
 //this gets an index given a faction name
        int GetFactionIndex(string name);
 //this gets a relationship between two factions
        float GetRelation(string myfaction,string theirfaction);
 //this changes the relaationship based on the rank and how mad or happy they are (the relationship
 //is between 0 and 1... so a adjustment of .01 with a rank of 1 is QUITE significant.
        void AdjustRelation(string myfaction,string theirfaction, float factor, float rank);
 //this gets the number of factions in game
        int GetNumFactions ();
 //this gets the current time in seconds
        float GetGameTime ();
 //this sets the time compresison value to zero
        void SetTimeCompression ();
 //this gets a string which has in it a space delimited list of neighmoring systems
        string GetAdjacentSystem (string str, int which);
 //this gets a specific property of this system as found in universe/milky_way.xml
        string GetGalaxyProperty (string sys, string prop);
 //this gets the number of systems adjacent to the sysname
        int GetNumAdjacentSystems (string sysname);
 //this adds a playlist to the music and may be triggered with an int
        int musicAddList(string str);
 //this plays a specific song
        void musicPlaySong(string str);
 //this plays msuci from a given list (where the int is what was returned by musicAddList)
        void musicPlayList(int which);
 //this gets the difficutly of the game... ranges between 0 and 1... many missions depend on it
 //never going past .99 unless it's always at one.
        float GetDifficulty ();
 //this sets the difficulty
        void SetDifficulty (float diff);
 //this plays a sound at a location...if the sound has dual channels it will play in the center
        void playSound(string soundName, QVector loc, Vector speed);
 //this plays an image (explosion or warp animation) at a location
        void playAnimation(string aniName, QVector loc, float size);
 //this ends the mission with either success or failure
        void terminateMission(bool term);
 //this gets the player belonging to this mission
        Unit *getPlayer();
 //this gets a player number (if in splitscreen mode)
        Unit *getPlayerX(int which);
 //this gets the number of active players
        int getNumPlayers ();
 //this adds an objective for the cockpit to view ("go here and do this')
        int addObjective(string objective);
 //this sets the objective's completeness (the int was returned by add objective)
        void setObjective(int which, string newobjective);
 //this sets the completeness of a particular objective... chanigng the color onscreen
        void setCompleteness(int which, float completeNess);
 //this gets that completeness
        float getCompleteness(int which);
 //this sets the owner of a completeness
        void setOwner(int which,Unit *owner);
 //this gets an owner of a completeness (NULL means all players can see this objective)
        Unit* getOwner(int which);
 //this sends an IO message... I'm not sure if delay currently works, but from, to and message
 //do :-) ... if you want to send to the bar do "bar" as the to string... if you want to make
 //news for the news room specify "news"
    void IOmessage(int delay,string from,string to,string message);
 //this gets a unit with 1 of each cargo type in it
        Unit *GetMasterPartList ();
 //this gets a unit with a faction's contraband list... may be null (check with isNull)
        Unit *GetContrabandList (string faction);
 //this sets whether or not a player may autopilot.  Normally they are both 0 and the autopiloting
 //is allowed based on if enemies are near... if you pass in 1 then autopilot will be allowed no
 //matter who is near... if you set -1 then autopilot is never allowed.  global affects all
 //players... player just affects the player who accepted the mission.
        void SetAutoStatus (int global_auto, int player_auto);