Raising from the stone age of workflows, in which every task, from texture conversion to editing of unit stats, had to be accomplished manually and only by quite knowledgeable magistrates who new the alchemy of units.csv columns, xmesh files, and had a magic with meshers. Now, UnitConverter shines upon us, still in the distance, but unmovable like a beacon on solid rock, to be the church of the artists, to accommodate the apostles of Blender, CineMut, and LaGrande, to bring the holy spirit of salvation to this compassionate universe of ours.
UnitConverter Tool
Requirements, Installation and Starting
The only requirement to run UnitConverter on your system is to have Python 2.5 installed on your system. No additional libraries are required.
You can download the latest version of UnitConverter from the Vega Strike svn repository trunk/modtools/UnitConverter.
To install, copy all files to a directory of your choice.
To run UnitConverter, open command line/shell, change to the installation directory, and depending your operating system type (without the ">" which denotes the command line prompt:
Windows:> uc
Linux: > ./uc
Other: > python
First thing you'll need to do is to configure the paths for Vega Strike data directory, mesher and nvcompress.
Models Workspace
Models Workspace Screen:
Textures Screen:
HUD Image
Unit Editor