Cargo:Old:Manufactured goods

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Agricultural Equipment

Bulk Seeds

As most seed crops develop sterile adult forms when growing in alien soils, only a select few planets have the ability to generate seed supplies. Hence, all non-native crops must still be brought in through interstellar shipping, and most agricultural colonies tend to lack the genetic research facilities to produce their own variants.

Engineered Seeds

Genetically enhanced or varied cropseed developed to remain fertile in alien soils, to produce more from a given amount or to produce more quickly. Environmental terrorists still protest the use of such products, despite acceptance by the population at large.


No matter where one goes, it seems that every world capable of supporting life supports at least one species that is exceptionally annoying to whatever civilization attempts to colonize it. The age-old solution to this problem is to kill said species. Admittedly, doing so in a fashion that doesn't manage to hurt the colonists is still a subject of intense research. However, any pesticide producer will proudly claim that having a few babies born with the wrong number of legs is surely a small price to pay for not having disfiguring holes in all of the world's crops.

Synthetic Fertilizer

Since the smell of organic fertilizer is impossible to get out of one's cargo hold, most transport haulers will only allow synthetic fertilizer through their bay doors. Synthentic fertilizer consists of those compounds needed to place nutrients in planetary soils, without those added extras to get on the nose.


While mainly consisting of tubing and pumps, distillators will extract fresh water from any water source via a process of evaporation, chemical reaction, sedimentation and other arcane processes. Used to avoid the 'water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink' problem.

Livestock Equipment

Whether you need to collect the products of an animals intestines for food, ensure the care of said animals or fatten them up for slaughter to make sure they produce the most, you need the right equipment for the job.


Growing plants in a liquid solution offers flexibility in placement relative to soil planting. Especially useful in environments that do not actually have soil such as spacecraft and stations, or used where planetary soil is not sufficient for the growing of food crops.

Landscaping Equipment

For when that hill is blocking your view, you want to recreate your garden surrounds in the latest style, or just want to cover up that unsightly nuclear waste dump. Whenever you are altering the appearance of your surrounds, you need this equipment.


Boring Droids

Construction of mine shafts has never been so easy. Just feed your tunnel plans to these babies, and come back a few days later to find huge mounds of debris and delightfully polished passageways.

Automated Factories

As general production involves - in the main - mindless repetition, it is expected that most spaceborn factories will become automated. This is expected to save countless billions in both wages and sentient life maintenance. AI Cores will fully operate such factories, with the only likely sentient contact being oversight and production program changes.

Factory Constructors

Self constructing factories in a large box. These constructors need only be placed in location, and on the press of the Start button they will unfold, construct the prefab buildings and install the necessary factory equipment. Pressing the Start button a second time will cancel the operation.

Recycling Tanks

Highly advanced civilizations produce a great deal of waste products. Discarded electronics, empty mealpacks, and old starships contain a wealth of raw and rare materials. Recycling tanks are designed to help break down waste into simple materials that can be reused. This item promises to revolutionize how trash is handled everywhere, from space stations to superdeveloped worlds.


PAI Wetware

Pseudo-Artificial Intelligence. PAIs are wet-ware embedded in hardware - genetically engineered brain-in-boxes that distribute the tasks of thinking between the organic and inorganic components. Commercial PAIs are almost universally designed as idiot-savant systems, capable of limited self-motivation and direction, easy to manipulate, but capable of extraordinary problem solving power for the problems they were designed for and trained to assault. PAIs tend to be able to present more natural user interfaces than the expert systems they compete with, tending to be at least vaguely self-aware, and much more responsive to and on emotional levels. In particular, niche market and custom built models are limited only by legislation requiring that entities surpassing a specified set of standardized metrics cannot be considered property, and must be registered as either custom children or custom dependent employees. While the difference is clear for low end models, standards aside, most will agree that the line between a high-end PAI and a designer cyborg human is exceptionally blurry.

AI Cores

An outgrowth of cybernetics, AI Cores approach true artificial intelligence. AI Core development and usage is limited, with the development of expert systems and SuSim? cyborgs. For dry computational tasks and rule interpretation the expert systems' lack of self-awareness was a blessing rather than a burden. For physically manifested tasks considered too menial, too dangerous, or too monotonous, the SuSims? and SuSimCys? proved cheaper, more reliable, and, through advancements in genetics, easy to dominate. Only for those applications where it is difficult to keep cyborg organics alive; or more than computational processing is required are AI Cores employed.

Manufacturing Equipment

Welding Lasers

There are government projects in every colony that primarily consist of tearing up infrastructure and welding big metal plates over the holes, though no-one knows why. This remains until some second agency comes by a few years later to replace whatever was ripped out. There's also the whole starship construction buisness, but one wonders which is the bigger market. Either way, effective workers require effective tools.

Factory Equipment

All hardwired equipment needed for a factory to commence operations. Whether food processing or product manufacture, all you need is supplied in a do it yourself construction kit. Press Start to continue.

Robot Workers

Tireless laborers that will attempt to do nearly any task you can require of them. Unfortunately, in order to keep costs down, their ability to comprehend instructions is somewhat limited. NOTE: Certain aberrations with this particular model have been noticed in conjunction with the request 'lend me a hand'. Please refrain from issuing this command.

Assembly Tools

To do any job where something needs to be put together, ripped apart or combined with other things, you need the right tools. This packaged set contains everything the happy worker needs to perform their duties. Buy now and receive a free set of socket wrenches.

Prefab Buildings

Prefabricated modular buildings are used for all bar the most costly or esoteric of construction. Easy to construct, seal and furnish, these buildings find use in both residential, industrial and commercial operations. Often used as a structural base with additions made to suit taste.

Construction Vehicles

The ability to lift large masses and manipulate them dextrously in three dimensions is essential for construction and lacking in all known sentient beings. These machines make up for the shortcomings of biology.


Essentially a vat full of genetically engineered organisms or their biowaste, with some valves and a spray nozzle. This device is used to create and apply the complex proteins that the Rlaan use as a basic construction material. When the goop sprayed out of the nozzle reacts with the methane atmosphere present on nearly all Rlaan worlds, the required building material denatures into the desired solid form.


This device applies a set of enzymes that sufficiently liquify the organics used in most Rlaan construction. The organics become gel-like, and can be remodeled into the desired forms with little effort.

Mining Equipment

Atmospheric Scrubbers

Atmostpheric scrubbers consist of a series of screens, containers and filters to remove toxic wastes from an artificial atmosphere. As few if any spaceborn craft have an effective contained ecology, they require such artifical means of providing a sustained breathable atmosphere.


Things that go BOOM are always required to obtain materials from rock strata. Whether removing surface materials to get to the mining beneath, breaking up large amounts of materials for processing, or rough access work, explosives will do the job every time. Made for vacuum as well as atmospheric use, they have few usage limitations.

Hull Patches

As hull leaks are frequent due to general use (let alone battle), various products have been developed to maintain hull integrity. They range from liquid spray canisters with QuickFast? Sealant (tm), to diskcaps to full sized metal plates. Most are used in automated repair systems, while others need to be applied in spacedock.

Laser Drills

While the precise nature of the cuts produced by this drill certainly add to its usefulness, the fact that laser drills never go blunt or snag on dense ore deposits has caused the laser drill to replace all other competitors. With a detachable powerpack for low power usage, or with cable attachments to a high power source, drilling depth, operating time and area of operation can vary immensely.

Light Alls

There are few things more terrifying to an asteroid miner than the classic scene from the holovid movie 'The Dark Rock', wherein a group of asteroid miners' standard light droid loses power, and they are attacked by a hideous alien awoken by their mining. While no voracious aliens have ever actually been found in an asteroid mine, reality has never been been a particularly key component of marketing strategy.

Material Processors

On site initial processing and refining of raw materials are performed by material processors. From autoloading of materials, to extraction of useful products and packaging of waste for disposal, look no further than these monsters to do the job.

Waste Recyclers

Waste Recyclers will filter all shipboard waste, recycling usable matter. Such includes fresh water, and a limited amount of nutrients to be added to food. The remainder is stored and dumped into a local sun or added to a planetary ecology.

Recycled products

Modular Upgrades

Utilities & Power

Water Dynamo

A fuel cell using the hydrogen+oxygen=water chemical reaction. Conversion of the gases to water produces direct current electricity, with the water produced being collected in a secondary chamber for conversion back into constituent gases via external electrolysis. Waste heat is captured thermoelectrically as an additional power supply. Highly durable and environment-friendly, but eventual failure through heat loss and filament decay, plus a comparatively low power output, means such cells are used only in portable electronic devices and for backup power.

Nuclear Pods

These pods hold fissionable fuel within dense radiation shielding. As advanced fission techniques allow energy generation from both the original fuel and the primary waste material, this fuel is greatly reduced in radioactivity. The pods then contain the final waste product for shipment and disposal in solar cores.

Fusion Injectors

Fusion Injectors are designed to hold the heavy water required for the fusion process. When required, it then injects the heavy water into the plasma core at the centre of the power source.

AM Magcells

The Magcell is a storage container and injector that stores charged matter and antimatter inside separate electro-magnetic fields. The magcell injects fuel through injector fields directly into the reactor core to ignite a fusion reaction.


An Aeran fuel cell material that releases hydrogen in an easily controlled manner. Highly efficient energy generation used in all applications barring spaceflight.


An Aeran substance that provides an essentially unlimited supply of small amounts of power. Extensively used in small starship components and personal equipment.


Rlaan technology evolved along the bio-energy path. Living organisms generate additional energy surplus to life requirements. A biogenerator captures and stores this energy, providing Rlaan cities with a clean, green source of energy.


Rlaan technology evolved along the bio-energy path. Living organisms provide additional energy surplus to life requirements. A biocell is capable of storing this energy when captured, and provides sufficient energy to power most Rlaan needs.


An incredibly large, incredibly complex, and incredibly unstable hydrocarbon, CCBB is used in applications where fusion reactors are too large, antimatter cells are too expensive, and fission reactors are impractical. This tends to limit its use to power-tools and personal transport units.

Vehicles, Satellites & Drones

Weapons & Ammo


Weather Control

Even after several centuries, the prediction of weather is still an unreliable practice. As such, scientists decided that rather than predicting weather, they would control it. The benefits of such would include ensuring rainfall and sunshine in doses for maximum production.

Alien Food Plants

With the discovery of viable biospheres on other planets, research into the use of alien plantlife started. This research examines nutritional value of such plants, as well as exotic tastes and commercial viability of alien food crops.

Atmospheric Processors

Whether it be because of overindustrialization or innate unpleasantness, if a planetary atmosphere is not to one's liking, deploying a few of these will ensure the atmosphere can support sentient life. WARNING: do not fire weaponry beneath these things, as you will likely cause a thermonuclear explosion.

Ozone Replacement

Many electronic devices naturally produce ozone. However, as most of these devices tend to be grounded, they do not contribute to the accretion of an ozone layer at high altitude. A recently arrived at solution: move lots of electronic devices out to the ozone layer on high efficiency flying platforms. These are the platforms.

Forest Regenerators

While many civilized races, with the notable exception of the Aera, would love to see their ancestral forests of old regrown, nearly all are disinclined to do much work towards this goal. Therefore, some effort has been made into producing autonomous forestry units that can oversee the regrowth of an ecosystem without anyone having to get their manipulator appendages dirty.

Xenoforming Units

Incorporating atmospheric processing, development of a viable biosphere of plantlife and creation of surface water, terraforming units are automated monstrocities that can be landed on a hostile planets surface. Over the course of decades or centuries, these units slowly convert a non-livable planet into a functioning ecosystem.