Vegastrike:Features es

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Características actuales del juego


  • Reflexión especular, emisividad y daños texturizables (texturas dañadas que aparecen gradualmente mientras la nave recibe daños)
  • Texturas de detalles (texturas con patrones repetitivos que agregan detalle fino a la superficie de la nave)
  • Planetas con atmósferas tridimensionales (?)
  • Animación básica de modelos tridimensionales (cuadro por cuadro)
  • Escapes animados de los propulsores
  • "Chispas" (sistemas de partículas) para naves dañadas
  • Escudos que destellan al ser golpeados


  • Sonido tridimensional posicional (openAL)
  • Música sensible al contexto

Python (universo dinámico)

  • El universo simulado cambia durante el juego, con la guerra causando pérdidas y ganancias de territorio y naves, todo almacenado en forma persistente.
  • Noticias y eventos reales que reflejan los acontecimientos simulados, para que el jugador pueda seguir el estado del universo
  • Las acciones del jugador sí afectan al universo, y también eso se reporta en las noticias
  • Misiones generadas aleatoriamente de acuerdo a los que sucede alrededor tuyo

Python (bases)

  • Bases bidimencionales interactivas, de tipo "apuntar y cliquear"

Python (campañas)

  • Sistema de campaña completamente programable, posibilitando historias lineales (y no tan lineales)

Interfaz de usuario en las bases

  • La interfaz de usuario en la base permite ver las noticias, estadísticas de la nave, comprar nuevas naves, mejoras o artículos comercializables

Computadora de abordo

  • Muestra información sobre la relación con las diferentes facciones, estadísticas de la nave, y permite trazar rutas de vuelo a través de la galaxia

Simulación de vuelo

  • Modelo completamente newtoniano (con un poco de relatividad arrojado a la mezcla), compensado por un computador de navegación para permitir la tradicional navegación estilo avión caza.

Cambios recientes

Vegastrike 4.3

  • Juego
    • Numerosas nuevas características
    • Habilidad para generar una ruta de un sistema a otro en la computadora de navegación.
    • Nueva tecla para capturar pantallas (i).
  • Arte
    • Nuevo arte en las bases
    • Nuevos modelos de naves
    • Nuevos gráficos de nebulosas (fondos)

Vegastrike 4.0 to 4.2

  • Juego/Interfaz
    • Universo dinámico (+ noticias relacionadas)
    • Mejor balance armamentístico
    • Nuevo tipo de salto intrasistema (+nueva animación)
    • Nuevo sistema de ventanas en las bases y menús
    • Mapa tridimencional (sistema y galaxia) , estado de relaciones
  • Arte
    • Models nuevos y/o reemplazados
    • Nueva animación para los propulsores
    • Gráficos de fondo para los monitores multifunción
    • Radar frontal Y trasero
    • Estrellas (puntos) generadas por el juego, que generan líneas cuando la nave se mueve.
    • Más opciones de comunicación y diálogo
    • Nuevas pantallas iniciales
    • SOL fue completamente reconstruido
    • Mejores texturas para los planetas
    • Mejores fondos

Vegastrike 3.9.0 + 3.9.1 (principalmente una demo para 4.x)

  • Universo dinámico (demo)
  • Mapa 3D
  • Algunas otras cosas que no me vienen a la mente

Vegastrike 2.9.4 to 3.3

  • Poseer una flota entera - ahora podés poseer cuantas naves quieras. Transferir tu nave a tu ubicación actual sólo costará 6000 por nave, ver la sección "Mi Flota" (My Fleet) en la agencia de naves.
  • Música original de Ken Seguro y PeteyG, compuesta específicamente para Vega Strike, que supera algunos juegos comerciales, y eleva el nivel de imersión a lo que siempre debió ser.
  • Pulido y engrasado del motor del juego - los marcadores de amarre ahora aparecen automáticamente y la interfaz de mejoras tiene una opción de reparación.
  • Misiones y contactos para la historia - ahora podés encontrarte con gente en los bares y hacer tratos con ellos. No los traiciones, o habrá consecuencias!

Vegastrike 2.9.3

  • Python Scripting - Upgraded various for-pay missions and the basic missions
  • Quests And News - Linked the local happenings to gameplay challenges and cash opportunities
  • Surpluses and Shortages - Trading is now affected by the live news model
  • Rendered Bases To Explore - Beautifully rendered bases to explore--but there's more than meets the eye
  • Locals to converse with - The bartender always has the latest news for j00
  • Trading with the enemy - It's always profitable to run the front lines, selling pricey weapons to evil Aera, or running back high tech bionics for terran research!
  • Music Player - A music player is now included in vega can play midis, ogg, or mp3... just dump the files into music/ and edit the playlists in .vegastrike
  • Ingame Map - A map of the local sector may be accessed with Shift-M. Sure accurate maps are expensive, but this one should be well worth whatever you didn't pay

Vegastrike 2.9

  • Installer/Uninstaller - Allows players to easily install OpenAL and VS
  • Splitscreen Multiplayer - Coop gauntlet with a friend or blow him to shreds--even trading and exploration i spossible in this mode!
  • Save Games - Having persistent gameplay over multiple sections is possible
  • Large Star System Size - Vegastrike engine has been upgraded to use double precision floating values so that realistic system size is possible
  • Communications/Orders - Allows the player to contact neutrals and taunt enemies. Wingmen can be ordered.
  • Autopilot - Lets the player quickly go from one zone of combat to another
  • Trading - Lets players run guns to make money
  • Missions for cash - Players can now contract out for spare cash
  • Ship Upgrades - Don't like your ship? buy a new one or get some better weapons or engines!
  • Missiles - Missile can lock on to their targets and track them with ease (ECM systems err...almost ease)
  • Autotracking Weapons - Guns may be updated to seek to their targets
  • Tractor beams - Small pieces of cargo may be taken into a hold. look for these when a large cargo-laden ship has exploded
  • Energy Removing Guns - Leech energy down to nada on their targets
  • System Damage - Hud displays flicker and weapons blow off... maneuverability decreases and many more horrible things happen when you get damage... don't get damage
  • 3D Cockpits - With accurate lighting and damage effects these cockpits add a whole new dimension to vegastrike
  • Mission Launcher
  • Better Communications (always has eight choices)

Vegastrike 2.0 to 2.1

  • Time compression
  • Multiple Systems
  • Entire Sol sector and Vega sector included!
  • Fly through huge multilayered asteroid fields
  • Explore nebulae where your radar fritzes out
  • Jump to other systems at blue jump points with the 'j' key
  • Respawn with the ';' key (semicolon)
  • Switch Ships with the '[' key
  • Joystick support for a full featured joystick
  • Sound effects that make starships roar as they pass and zap as they die
  • Bolt weapons with glowing lighting effects
  • Cloaking that renders a ship partially/fully invisible
  • All new starships
  • Customizable fully working HUD with targetting displays, etc
  • Customizable Alien Race logos that will change on all starships by editing TerranPriA.bmp and TechPriA.bmp
  • Intelligent, Programmable AI
  • Varied weapons on different starships
  • Explosions that literally tear a starship into pieces
  • Shields That Glow upon hit (in the location hit)
  • Customizable missions
  • Stars that fly past as you explore the system
  • RAPID collision system that allows no problems with collisions
  • BSP Trees that allow one to fly close to a starship, and in the runway of (well formed) models...unlike the victory from WC3.
  • the Normal Force which bounces starships off of each other

Vegastrike 0.9 to 1.0

  • Joystick support for a full featured joystick
  • Sound effects that make starships roar as they pass and zap as they die
  • Bolt weapons with glowing lighting effects
  • Cloaking that renders a ship partially/fully invisible
  • All new starships
  • Customizable fully working HUD with targetting displays, etc
  • Customizable Alien Race logos that will change on all starships by editing TerranPriA.bmp and TechPriA.bmp

Vegastrike 0.7 to 0.9

  • Intelligent, Programmable AI
  • Varied weapons on different starships
  • Explosions that literally tear a starship into pieces
  • Shields That Glow upon hit (in the location hit)
  • Customizable missions
  • Stars that fly past as you explore the system
  • BSP Trees that allow one to fly close to a starship, and in the runway of (well formed) models...unlike the victory from WC3.
  • the Normal Force which bounces starships off of each other
  • The rings of saturn--a feature oft-missed in previous versions... now added for all to enjoy... just don't fire at 'em ;-)

Vegastrike 0.3 to 0.7

  • REAL Asteroid belts, which will soon have AI.
  • Planets with correct orbits and realistic textures.
  • A huge sun with detailed textures in cluding hotspots.
  • WC style physics with afterburn slides.
  • Programmable AI for complex functions like Shelton sliding, rolls, loops, and kickstops.

Vegastrike 0.2 to 0.3

  • Clicklists are built in... so you can click on ships and it will report so on console (same with selecting)
  • There is a location selector built in, but with this build you cannot see it
  • Utilizes SPHERE_MAP in OpenGL to produce fantastic spheremapped ships... shiny+fast
  • Made it faster on software.... but backgrounds are still textured
  • Physics works, but is disabled to allow viewing of sphere_map

See also

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