Development pages
- Roadmap - The developer roadmap of Vegeastrike.
- Dependencies - A guide to system dependencies, broken down by subsystem.
- CVS Tree - A guide to the layout of the CVS tree.
- Code style - A guide/manual to write code for Vegastrike that fits in and is readable.
- Network - Everything network related goes in here.
- Keyboard layout - Discuss and display new keyboard layouts here.
- Cargo - How cargo/goods should be classified -> Cargo/Goods tree.
- Cargo (descriptions) - Detailed descriptions of the items in the cargo MOD.
- Cargo (graphics) - Images to be displayed in the trading interface for cargo items.
- Quests & Campaigns Quests, Campaigns & Adventures
- Graphics (Logos&Signage, 3D models, etc...)
- 3D Models - Organisation and contribution information.
- Guidelines
- Guidelines for creating models - General guidance for development of models for Vega Strike.
- Guidelines for creating ship materials - General guidance for development of materials for Vega Strike models.
- Common topics
- Realism vs Believability
- Behaviour of the SPEC drive and insystem flight in general
- Economy - How ingame economy should work.
- Political system
- Ingame library - How can/should it be done? .. if at all.
- Scripts (WIP)
- obj2obj converter (Perl, commandline) - Converts obj files to cockpit files. or extracts tag-data from the models. (At least that's what is planned, Testing under Win32/Linux. Pontiac)