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thumb_arrow_up.png MOD:WCU

WCU is a work in progress (we have one patch a week out, more or less) so the installation is a little hairy. Here goes:

(1) Go to

and download the very big file (almost 300mb). Note the name: if the big file is called it means that it has already been patched up to patch 11.

(2) Go to

and download all the other patches starting from the ones you are missing -- in this case you want to start with While you're there, check out the renders and check out the Wing Commander Armada remake :) I didn't have much to do with it other than some exe enhancements and some work on the capships.

(3) Unzip the big file somewhere. It doesn't need to be unzipped over Privateer Remake or Vega Strike. This will create a wcu-devel folder.

(4) In that folder, unzip the patches you downloaded, in numerical order -- there will be a lot of overwriting of course since most patches carry a new executable.

(5) Run reset_universe.bat to start a new game. Run launch.bat to continue a game. Remember that you MUST run reset_universe.bat every time you download a new patch, or the changes may not show up! This has the unfortunate side effect of resetting the upgrades on your ship at the moment :( sorry.

Everything else works like in Vega Strike.

Just unpack these in your privateer remake directory and start a new game!