Manual:Match velocity

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As the Major stated before, a ship's velocity is relative to a point in space and measuring it in relation to the local sun has long since been accepted as standard. When matching against another object, however, the result is that the object you match velocity with essentially becomes the stationary pivot around which your own viewpoint will move. This function also assumes that the new object does not change velocity or direction. Understand too, that your velocity in relation to the local sun may well be quite high - this is the result of inertia and a changed point of view. As such, this function effectively modifies flight control.

Due to capability limitations of the current range of detection hardware, you cannot match velocity with a hostile object. For all other targets, you must first lock onto them before you can match velocity. Then use the HOME_EN.png or keypad NP_7_EN.png key to match velocity with your target. Your set velocity then becomes zero relative to that target, i.e. your '0' set velocity becomes the velocity of that ship. Use the END_EN.png or keypad NP_1_EN.png key to reset velocity against the local sun.

BACKSPACE_GENERAL~0.png (set velocity to '0') will assure that your ship is stationary relative to the other starship (unless it accelerates faster than you and is accelerating).

See also

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