Es:Manual:Computer:Upgrades screen
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Astilleros | Manual | Pantalla de Naves |
En Vega Strike, no todas las naves (y no todos los pilotos) son iguales. Tal vez seas un piloto novato en busca de un dispositivo de poscombustión; un mercader con una gran nave de carga; o un cazarecompensas con una pelea altamente delicada, todos en algún momento buscan modificar sus naves - en busca de un servicio adicional.
La Pantalla de Actualizaciones permite al jugador accesar, ver, comprar y vender cualquier y todas las actualizaciones disponibles para ser instaladas en una nave. Desde obtener ayudas extras para la navegación como son los dispositivos de poscombustión, jets de maniobrabilidad y remolcadores, hasta más poderosas plantas de poder, escudos y armas, si tienes el dinero, el proveedor tiene (o podría tener) la actualización.
Esto es, no todos los proveedores tienen el mismo tipo o cantidad de actualizaciones. Algunas actualizaciones están disponibles sólo en ciertos lugares (actualizaciones militares para naves militares es un buen ejemplo). Además, tu tipo de nave puede reducir el monto o tipo de actualización que puede ser adquirida. Una nave ligera puede estar limitada solamente a reactores pequeños y armas ligeras.
Para más información sobre lo que puedes ponerle a tu nave, y descripciones de las mismas actualizaciones, ve a la Base de Datos en Línea.
Using the Upgrades Screen
The Upgrades Screen will have the following across the upper viewing area: two buttons marked and . If either of them do not appear, that means the base where you are located does not have access to that function at that time. These buttons provide access to the Upgrades Screen and Pilot Information Screen respectively. By default, the Upgrades Screen will appear.
Below these buttons is the screen title, followed by the name of your current base location, with the owner's name in brackets beside it. Below that your total available credits is recorded. Beside your credit record is your cargo hold showing total cargo volume of the hold and cargo volume remaining.
In appearance, the Upgrades Screen has three view-screens, two placed side by side in the center of the holo-vid, with the third view-screen at the bottom. Note that the view-screens have scrollbars where the information displayed is greater than can be viewed in the space provided.
Available Upgrades
The left view-screen is titled Available Upgrades. This view-screen lists all upgrades currently available for purchase and installation onto your current ship. Upgrades are arranged in categories, some of which are then divided into sub-categories - for instance, the Shields category divides into Light, Medium and Heavy Shield sub-categories, within which are located individual shield models.
Upgrades marked in red cannot be installed to your current ship. This will either be due to the fact that your ship already has a similar upgrade installed, your ship cannot mount that sized model upgrade, or your do not have the funds available. When marked white, the upgrade may be installed. Note that upgrades marked Add (e.g. Add Capacitance) allow you to purchase additional amounts of that upgrade.
Improvements to Sell
The right view-screen is titled Improvements to Sell. This view-screen operates similar to the Available Upgrades view-screen with respect to category selection; it lists all upgrades currently installed on your ship. You may choose to sell any and all undamaged upgrades – a necessary function where you replace an upgrade with a more powerful model.
To make a selection, click on the category and/or subcategory in the respective screen. Then, highlight the model you wish to buy or sell. Note that when you highlight an upgrade, a or button appears between the two view-screens. Click this button to enact the transaction.
Item Description
The third view-screen provides statistical data, pricing and a description of the current upgrade highlighted. If the upgrade highlighted is one for sale, the price of purchase as well as sale price is displayed.
In the top right corner of the Upgrades Screen is the In Game Menu.
Repairing your Ship
Where your ship has sustained damage, you cannot sell any upgrade components until all damage has been repaired. Highlight an upgrade in the right view-screen. Its color represents the amount of damage to the component: white is undamaged; yellow slightly damaged; and red severely damaged. If damaged, the button is replaced by . Clicking on repairs the component in full, and the repair charge is deducted from your remaining credits.
To repair cockpit damage and static, purchase from the left view-screen.
See also
Shipyards | Es:Manual | Ships Screen |