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Sauvegarder et charger le jeu | Manuel | Locations |
- 1 L'application de configuration
- 2 Voir aussi
L'application de configuration
Où trouver l'application de configuration
Utilisateurs de MacOS X
Il y a maintenant une application,, intégrée à Vega Strike.
- Cliquez pour ouvrir.
- Si GTK et X11 ne sont pas installés, vous aurez une console d'interface munie de flèches directionnelles.
- Si GTK and X11 sont installés, alors vous obtiendrez la fenêtre présentée ci-dessous.
Si cela ne marche pas:
- 'CTRL + Clic gauche' ou Clic droit sur l'application Vega Strike.
- Choisir Montrer le contenu du Package
- Naviguer vers le sous-dossier Contenus/Resources/Données/.
- Il est utile de glisser un alias de ce dossier vers votre bureau alors que vous éditez Vega Strike.
Utilisateurs de Linux ou Unix
Vous pouvez accéder à la configuration de trois façons:
- En ouvrant vslauncher et sélectionnant "Configuration du Jeu"; OU (NdT : cette façon de faire doit être obsolète en 2012)
- En ouvrant directement le fichier vssetup; OU
- En éditant directement le fichier vegastrike.config.
- Il y a de multiples fichiers vegastrike.config, celui qu'il faut éditer se trouve dans un dossier caché du "Home": ~/.vegastrike/vegastrike.config
Utilisateurs de Windows
Vous pouvez accéder à la configuration de trois façons:
- En ouvrant vslauncher et sélectionnant "Configuration du Jeu"; OU (NdT : cette façon de faire doit être obsolète en 2012)
- En ouvrant directement le fichier vssetup (Setup dans le "menu démarrage");
- En éditant directement le fichier vegastrike.config.
Paramètres de configuration
- <256 Mb RAM
- Nombre maximum de sons individuels: 5; Nombre maximum de sons au total: 16
- Systèmes conservés dans la RAM: 2
- Données d'anciens systèmes sauvées pour ré-utilisation: 2
- 256 Mb RAM
- Nombre maximum de sons individuels: 5; Nombre maximum de sons au total: 16
- Systèmes conservés dans la RAM: 2
- Données d'anciens systèmes sauvées pour ré-utilisation: 2
- 512 Mb RAM + 256 Mb Swap
- Nombre maximum de sons individuels: 8; Nombre maximum de sons au total: 24
- Systèmes conservés dans la RAM: 2
- Données d'anciens systèmes sauvées pour ré-utilisation: 3
- 512 Mb RAM + 1Gb Swap
- Nombre maximum de sons individuels: 12; Nombre maximum de sons au total: 32
- Systèmes conservés dans la RAM: 3
- Données d'anciens systèmes sauvées pour ré-utilisation: 4
- 1024 Mb RAM
- Nombre maximum de sons individuels: 12; Nombre maximum de sons au total: 32
- Systèmes conservés dans la RAM: 3
- Données d'anciens systèmes sauvées pour ré-utilisation: 15
- Tableaux de Sommets
Les données de sommets (dessin) sont stockées dans un tableau (enregistrements). OpenGL a juste besoin d'appeller le tableau, plutôt que d'exécuter toutes les commandes qui y sont contenues. En conséquence, OpenGL dessine un vaisseau spatial à chaque fois qu'il en est besoin - besoin de cinq, dessiné cinq fois. - Tableaux de sommets compilés
Les données de sommets dans un tableau peuvent être verrouillées quand elles sont censées être utilisées de multiples fois. En conséquence, OpenGL ne recalcule pas les données verrouillées du tableau jusqu'à ce que toutes les surfaces utilisant ces données aient été dessinées. OpenGL copie une vaisseau spatial seulement quand le tableau de sommets est compilé ... si plus d'un vaisseau spatial est sur l'écran, alors il n'y aura besoin de le télécharger que la première fois sur la carte graphique. - Listes d'affichage
Ce paramètre prend les commandes des sommets et les stocke pour une exécution ultérieure - à savoir, définit votre dessin pour une exécution multiple, plus tard. Alors que les tableaux de sommets peuvent le faire en utilisant moins de mémoire, les listes d'affichage peuvent opérer plus vite. Le matériel graphique peut stocker les listes d'affichage dans une mémoire dédiée, augmentant donc la vitesse et l'efficacité, et compensant le besoin de mémoire supplémentaire. Ce paramètre enverrae donc un vaisseau spatial vers la carte graphique quand le vaisseau est dessiné ... ce qui est plus rapide que de le copier à chaque fois qu'il est dessiné. Il n'est pas recommandé d'utiliser ce paramètre si vous ne possédez pas d'accélérateur graphique matériel.
- Decelerated Gameplay
- Game Speed is .5 normal
- Game Acceleration 1.0625x times normal
- Relaxing Gameplay
- Game Speed is normal
- Game Acceleration is normal
- Moderate Gameplay
- Game Speed is 2 times normal
- Game Acceleration is normal
- Hasty Gameplay
- Game Speed is 4 times normal
- Game Acceleration 0.9x normal
- Insane Gameplay
- Game Speed is 8 times normal
- Game Acceleration 0.96x normal
- Impossible Gameplay
- Game Speed is 16 times normal
- Game Acceleration 0.725x normal
- No Sound - No sound files played. This option is suggested when game performance is slow.
- My Sound Only - AI sound is deactivated; Only sound from you and your ship.
- All Sound - AI sound is activated
- My Linux Sound - AI sound is deactivated; Only sound from you and your ship.
- All Linux Sound - AI sound is activated
Musique et Volume
The initial setting for your music volume. This setting can be adjusted ingame.
- High Volume - To give you loud, dramatic music!
- Medium Volume - For enjoying the music but without it being intrusive.
- Low Volume - Suitable setting for having music playing in the background.
- Music Off - Does not load soundserver to play music. This option is suggested when game performance is slow.
This selection determines the level of visual detail Vega Strike projects to your monitor. These settings affect smoothness and rounding of objects, font style and anti-aliasing, sun halos, maximum texture size capability and whether reflection capability is available.
- Extreme Detail
Highest detailing available including full smoothing, halo, texturing and reflection capability available. Cockpits can be activated. Only high end video cards can operate at this setting without affecting performance. - Very High Detail
The main difference is a large reduction in the level of visual detail. - High Detail
Further reduction in visual detail, and reduced lighting capability. - Medium Detail
Visual detail reduced with nebula fog disabled. - Low Detail
Reduced visual detail with no background detailing (black only) and cockpits no longer available. All script is in reduced font size with no color differentiation. Light reflection is disabled with no haloing effects. - Retro Detail
Lowest detail with no texture usage (wireframe only).
This selection sets the Video Resolution for Vega Strike to use. Please note the larger the resolution, the greater the processing power is needed.
- 512x384 - FIXME
- 640x480 - xxx
- 800x600 - xxx
- 1024x768 - xxx
- 1280x1024 - xxx
- 1600x1200 - xxx
Only standard 4:3 resolutions are supported. Wide screens (3:2, 16:9, etc) will display stretched or pillarboxed depending on your local drivers. Multiple monitors are not supported.
Luminosité par pixel
- Separate Specular Color
Vertex Lighting. Identifies the bright specular highlights that occur when light hits an object's surface and projects onto your ship's reflectivity analysis of the surface. In effect, you get a shine effect on an object that changes depending on where both the viewer and the sun is. - Per Pixel Lighting
Per-pixel lighting offers the ability to calculate lighting effects at the pixel level, greatly increasing precision and realism in a scene. In effect, making the lighting effects sharper, more defined. Per pixel specular lighting is best with a pixel shader - not truly necessary, but you suffer a big performance hit otherwise. GeForce3, Radeon 8500 and later video cards have this shader. Where game performance is slow or you have an older generation card, do not select an option with Per Pixel Lighting. - Reflection
Is an environment map (picture of background). This map is used where the visual mesh is declared to be specular and is projected onto your reflectivity analysis of the surface (your view). One result is that objects become capable of reflecting light and can act like a mirror surface.
- No Specular Lighting - This option is suggested when game performance is slow.
- separate specular color: no
- per pixel lighting: no
- reflection: no
- Specular Lighting
- separate specular color: yes
- per pixel lighting: no
- reflection: no
- Specular Per Pixel Lighting - Recommend a high end graphics card.
- separate specular color: no
- per pixel lighting: yes
- reflection: no
- Reflective Lighting
- separate specular color: yes
- per pixel lighting: no
- reflection: yes
- Reflective Per Pixel Lighting - Recommend a high end graphics card.
- separate specular color: yes
- per pixel lighting: yes
- reflection: yes
This selection determines whether the game uses full 32 bit color or the more limited 16 bit color range. It also determines whether the game runs in full screen mode (uses your whole screen limited by your resolution setting) or is windowed (appears as a window in your monitor allowing access other programs).
- 32 bit Fullscreen - 32 bit color viewed in a full screen. Note that eMac users might not be able to use this setting.
- 16 bit Fullscreen - Reduced 16 bit color viewed in a full screen. Note that eMac users might not be able to use this setting.
- 32 bit Windowed - 32 bit color with the game viewed in a window.
- 16 bit Windowed - Reduced 16 bit color with the game viewed in a window.
This selection determines your mouse control during flight operations. A mouse with multiple buttons default to the button selection below.
- button 0 = Fire Weapon
- button 1 = Fire Missile
- button 2 = Afterburner
- button 3 = Target (cycle all available targets)
- button 4 = Target (target nearest targeting reticule)
- button 5 = Deceleration (decrease speed)
- button 6 = Perform a Shelton Slide
- button 7 = Acceleration (increase speed)
- button 8 = Cycle through guns
- button 9 = Cycle through missiles
- Mouse Warping
"Drag to Steer". Your craft turns in the direction of the mouse movement, but the turn only continues while you mouse moves. To continue a turn, you need to continue scrolling your mouse in the desired direction. - Inv Mouse Warp
Inverts the direction of "Mouse Warping" - Mouse Glide
Provides a 'ghost' targeting reticle that is movable around the screen. When moved away from center, your ship will turn in the direction of the reticle. Recenter reticle to cease turning. This option does not require mouse scrolling to continue a turn. - Inv Mouse Glide
Inverts the up/down direction of "Mouse Glide" - No Mouse
No mouse flight.
Curseur de la souris
- Software Cursor - This should be the default setting. Cursor should appear at bases, and disappear in flight.
- Hardware Cursor - Select this option where the cursor is not appearing when at a base at all.
This selection configures your joystick for flight control. Joysticks can also be programmed by directly editing the vegastrike.config
file recommended for advanced use only. Joysticks with multiple buttons default to the button selection below.
- x axis = changes direction of pitch. Imagine holding your arms out sideways from your body and your hands holding on to something. You then swing your feet up and down. You are rotating on your arms (x axis).
- y asis = changes direction of yaw. Imagine standing upright, then turning in place to the left or right.
- z axis = changes direction of roll. Imagine standing upright, holding on to a pole above you running from forwards to backwards. You then swing from left to right. You are 'rolling' around the pole.
- button 0 = Fire Weapon
- button 1 = Afterburner
- button 2 = Fire Missile
- button 3 = Target (cycle all available targets)
- button 4 = Target (target nearest targeting reticle)
- button 5 = Deceleration (decrease speed)
- button 6 = Perform a Shelton Slide
- button 7 = Acceleration (increase speed)
- button 8 = Cycle through guns
- button 9 = Cycle through missiles
- No Joystick - No joystick flight enabled.
- 2 Axis Joystick Enables a standard 2 axis (x,y) joystick with two buttons (0,1).
- 2 Axis Joystick And Throttle - Enables movement in the x,y directions only. Currently, throttle control gives acceleration and deceleration, not speed control. Result: set speed is either maximum or zero.
- 3 Axis Joystick - Enables movement in all three directions.
- 3 Axis Joystick and Throttle - Enables movement in all three directions, plus the use of a throttle. Currently, throttle control gives acceleration and deceleration, not speed control. Result: set speed is either maximum or zero.
- Joystick and Throttle Reversed - Reverses the setting of third axis and throttle.
Voir aussi
- See Advanced Configuration for information about editing the config file (vegastrike.config) directly.
Sauvegarder et charger le jeu | Manuel | Locations |
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