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Wenn fette Buchstaben in eckigen Klammern stehen (z.B. [LMT]), drücke bitte diese Taste. [LMT] and [RMT] bedeuten die linke und rechte Maustaste.
mouse_button_left_small.png = Linke Maustaste
mouse_button_right_small.png = Rechte Maustaste
mouse_button_middle_small_001.png = Mittlere Maustaste

Tutorial 1: Die erste Ankunft

Nach dem ersten Flug mit deinem eigenen Schiff bist du auf einem kleinen Ozeanplaneten namens Atlantis angekommen. Nachdem du erleichtet gelandet bist, möchtest du dich zuerst etwas ausruhen und dich dann umsehen, was das Universum zu bieten hat.

Nachdem Vega Strike gestartet ist, siehst du zuerst den Hangar des Ozeanplaneten Atlantis. In der Mitte ist dein Schiff zu sehen, darum herum liegen Zugänge zur Planetenbasis. Wenn du die Maus über den Bildschirm bewegst, werden beschriftete Punkte erscheinen. Diese Punkte markieren Zugänge und geben an, wohin sie führen. Drückt man die mouse_button_right_small.png [RMT], werden reihum alle diese Punkte markiert.

Die "Concourse"

Klicke den "Concourse" Punkt mit der mouse_button_left_small.png [LMT] an. Damit betrittst Du diesen Ort und der "Concourse"-Bildschirm erscheint. Die "Concourse" ist das Zentrum, von dem man (normalerweise) zu allen anderen Anlagen gelangt.

FIXME Gibt es einen guten deutschen Ausdruck für "Concourse"?

Die Bar

Ich kenne hier niemanden, aber ich habe Durst und will wissen, was hier so los ist.

Da wir nach einem Platz zum Ausruhen suchen, markiere und betrete die Bar. Der Barkeeper erzählt dir hier jederzeit Neuigkeiten, Spieltips und den neuesten Klatsch. Markiere ihn und klicke mouse_button_left_small.png. Was er sagt, erscheint am oberen Bildschirmrand. Mit jedem Klick erzählt er etwas anderes.

Eventuel sind sind auch andere Gäste in der Bar, nomalerweise an den Tischen. Sie bieten Aufträge, Ausrüstung oder Tips zum Spiel an. Falls ein Gast da ist, klicke ihn an mouse_button_left_small.png. Er wird dir sagen, was er möchte, und wenn er dir ein Angebot macht, erscheint ein Auswahlmenü. Wähle zunächst [No] mit der [LMT] mouse_button_left_small.png. Klicke auf den Ausgang und kehre zur "Concourse" zurück.

FIXME Übersetzung für fixers erstellen und Links einbauen


So, getrunken habe ich, was kann man hier denn noch unternehmen?

FIXME Der restliche Artikel muß noch übersetzt werden.

From the Concourse, locate and enter the Mission Computer using the same process used to enter the Bar. You will notice across the top of the screen three buttons, button_missions_small.png, button_news_small.png and button_info_small.png. The button_missions_small.png button accesses the Mission Screen and is the default screen to appear when you access a Mission Computer. The button_news_small.png button accesses the News Screen, and the button_info_small.png button accesses the Information Screen. mouse_button_left_small.png the button_missions_small.png button.

We are now in the Mission Screen. From here, you can review what basic missions are available. While fixers offer more dangerous, more interesting (and more lucrative) missions, they are often few and far between. The missions here are more standard in nature (but not necessarily less dangerous!). mouse_button_left_small.png click on one of the green categories. The category expands to show the available missions of that type. Highlight one and click the mouse_button_left_small.png . Notice that the details of the mission appear in the right hand screen. If you wanted to accept the mission, you would mouse_button_left_small.png button_accept_small.png at the bottom of the screen. We’re not quite ready for missions, however, so we’ll leave the Missions Screen and look at the others.

Highlight the button_news_small.png button and click the mouse_button_left_small.png . This takes you to the News Screen. Since we have only just started the game, there has been no news. Later, accessing this screen will let you see the latest news happening all around the known universe.

Highlight the button_info_small.png button and click the mouse_button_left_small.png . This takes you to the Player Information Screen. Two more buttons are displayed: button_player_info_small.png and button_ship_stats_small.png. button_player_info_small.png displays your current relationships with the various factions of Vega Strike, and classifies any ships you have destroyed. button_ship_stats_small.png displays information pertaining to the ship you are flying – it is currently displaying information on the Llama. Click the button_done_small.png button and return to the Concourse.

Cargo Computer

If I want to get anywhere in this universe, it’s going to take money, and lots of it!

The simplest way to make money is to trade cargo. Buy where it’s low priced, and sell high. To do this, you need to access the Cargo Computer in a Trade Center. Follow the hotspots to the Trade Center and access the Cargo Computer. Notice at the top of the screen, the type of base you are on (Atlantis is an Oceanic Planet). Underneath, you may note that you have 13,500 credits to spend, and 500 cargo spaces to fill. Your aim here is to obtain as much low priced cargo as you can afford and that your cargo space can take. The types of cargoes available are classified by category with many having subcategories.

An Oceanic Planet is typically a rural type of planet with vast expanses of water, big on producing natural products. As such, highlight the Natural Products category with the pointer and click your mouse_button_left_small.png . You will see a drop down of subcategories: Food, Liquor, Natural Resources and/or Plants. Don’t be worried if one or more don’t appear, not all places produce the same goods all of the time.

Lets look at what Food is produced at Atlantis. The Food subcategory opens out to show various types of cargo, colored white. This means that we have both the room in our cargo bay to fit the cargo, and the credits to buy them. If we didn’t, they would be red in color, and we wouldn’t be able to buy them. Highlight the first cargo under Food. Notice that three buttons appear in the centre of the screen, button_buy_small.png, button_buy10_small.png and button_buy1_small.png. These buttons let you buy (respectively) all the cargo available, ten (10) of the cargo, or one (1) of the cargo. Press button_buy_small.png. Notice how the cargo disappears from the left, and appears in the right screen? Similarly, your credits and cargo space have reduced. You have now bought the cargo. If you wanted to sell the cargo, you would highlight it in the right screen, and click the button_sell_small.png button that appears.

We want cargo to trade, though, so stay in the left screen. Repeat the above sequence to purchase as much cargo under Food as you can. You may have credits and room in the cargo bay to spare after buying all the Food. If so, move on to the next subcategory and purchase what you can from there.

When you cannot buy more Natural Products (due to lack of credits, lack of cargo room or no more cargo available), click on the button_save_load_small2.png button. This takes you to the In Game Menu. From here you can exit the game, save your game or reload a previous save. Click in the box next to button_quit_game_small.png and enter your pilot’s name. mouse_button_left_small.png button_save_small_001.png and confirm to save your game. Notice that the name now appears in the box to the left. If anything happens later, we can always reload by entering this screen, highlighting the pilot name and clicking on button_load_small.png.

mouse_button_left_small.png -> button_done_small.png, and exit back to the Concourse.


Fireworks! Lots and lots of fireworks!

Our last point of call before leaving is the Shipyards. If you want to repair, upgrade or change your ship, this is the place to do it. Clicking on the Upgrade Ship hotspot lets you access the Upgrades Computer. This computer is operated in a similar manner to the Cargo Computer. Feel free to have a look at the available upgrades at Atlantis. Since you used your credits to buy your cargo, you probably can’t afford anything here. After a cargo run or two, you will hopefully have enough credits available to be able to afford something from here. For now, just note that the right screen shows the upgrades currently on your ship. If you get into trouble, at least you have something to fight back with!

Similarly, access the Shipyards themselves to review available ships for sale at Atlantis. The computer screen operation should now be quite familiar to you.